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1 Feb 2021
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamon For that I use the UserFunctions extension. Also nice to determine whether they are logged in and if they are in a group. 22:04:37
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaAh, right. Have used this as well. 22:48:04
@samwilson:matrix.orgsamwilsonThe reason I was looking for real name and email was to help an admin who manually creates lots of users on a private wiki, but after submitting the createuser form has no way of seeing the data they've entered (other than username).23:39:30
@samwilson:matrix.orgsamwilsonI reckon an extension that does All The Things will real name and maybe email would be great. Maybe the above can evolve to me that.23:40:04
@samwilson:matrix.orgsamwilson * I reckon an extension that does All The Things will real name and maybe email would be great. Maybe the above can evolve to be that.23:40:09
In reply to @krabina:matrix.org
I think getting the real name of the current logged in user should be in MW core as magic word...
it couldn't do that in wikitext because it'd have to reparse the page for every viewer. Something like {{REVISIONUSER}} would work though, e.g. {{REVISIONUSERNAME}}
2 Feb 2021
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrA magic word for the current user would kill caching. An extension tag could work, I suppose - it would generate a placeholder HTML tag and then some hook like ContentAlterParserOutput would do the replacement.12:10:55
@richardheigl:matrix.orgrichardheigl Project Grant Open Call: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:W2czdkth9dp3blsv20:23:51
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaGreat! MWStake should apply. Community building, Blog, WikiApiary, social media activities...20:52:03
3 Feb 2021
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrNote that the application period for community building/social media ends in a week. (The application period for technical projects like WikiApiary is a couple weeks later.)13:52:36
5 Feb 2021
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxHow to style the link color of a sortable wikitbale header? The exact <th><a> element reference is complicated in Developers Tools view17:14:39
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxRedacted or Malformed Event17:21:10
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

tried a dozen combinations of things like:

table.sortable.wikitable.smwtable.jquery-tablesorter tr.headerSort th#headertabs.large .ui-widget-content a { color:#ffffff!important; }

to no avail

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

I have a SRF such as {{#ask:[[Page]]|format=wikitable}} and all I want to do is change the color of the sortable columns names that are linked to properties.
tried a dozen combinations of things like:

table.sortable.wikitable.smwtable.jquery-tablesorter tr.headerSort th#headertabs.large .ui-widget-content a { color:#ffffff!important; }

to no avail

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

I have an SRF such as {{#ask:[[Page]]|format=wikitable}} and all I want to do is change the color of the sortable columns names that are linked to properties.
tried a dozen combinations of things like:

table.sortable.wikitable.smwtable.jquery-tablesorter tr.headerSort th#headertabs.large .ui-widget-content a { color:#ffffff!important; }

to no avail

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

I have an SRF such as {{#ask:[[Page]]|format=wikitable}} and all I want to do is change the color of the sortable columns names that are linked to properties.
tried a dozen combinations of things like:

.zDivTblLL table.sortable.wikitable.smwtable.jquery-tablesorter tr.headerSort th#headertabs.large.ui-widget-content a:link { color:#ffffff!important; }

to no avail. Why is this style effect so tricky?

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

I have an SRF such as {{#ask:[[Page]]|format=wikitable}} and all I want to do is change the color of the sortable columns names that are linked to properties.
tried a dozen combinations of things like:

table.sortable.wikitable.smwtable.jquery-tablesorter tr.headerSort th#headertabs.large.ui-widget-content a:link { color:#ffffff!important; }

to no avail. Why is this style effect so tricky?

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * How to style the link color of a sortable wikitbale header? The exact <th><a> element reference is complicated in Developers Tools view nvrmind.. I figured it out.. it was simple. I'm an idiot17:31:26
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode I FINALLY created https://github.com/MWStake/nonwmf-skins after legoktm asked me to 3 years ago. Pull requests to add skins would be awesome 19:18:38
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI should probably post to wikitech asking for help getting all the skins on wmflabs skin thingy added.19:19:09
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode(See how productive I can be when I'm putting off other work I need to do?)19:20:17
6 Feb 2021
@samwilson:matrix.orgsamwilson hexmode: that's great! 04:06:29
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeWho has heard of WikiSkripta? Looks like they have a ton of extensions https://bitbucket.org/wikiskripta/19:33:28
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode Sam Wilson: you may be interested in the URNames: https://bitbucket.org/wikiskripta/urnames/src/master/ 19:37:05
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeIntesting extension: "...allows to load the content of multiple pages through the resource loader."20:05:43
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode *
  • Bunch of extensions: https://github.com/MWStake/nonwmf-extensions/commit/b0b6c781461f04ff42eb529d24fc4e37f4de24cb
  • Bunch of skins: https://github.com/MWStake/nonwmf-skins/commit/e251ca2a359734d421724b00d559709dbdc23347
7 Feb 2021
@samwilson:matrix.orgsamwilson hexmode: that sounds interesting, thanks. We've settled on LastUserLogin though, which gives a good overview of users as well as when they last logged in. 09:05:21
@samwilson:matrix.orgsamwilsonNow the task is to change the Main Page link for logged in users, to Home Page (i.e. a private wiki with a public landing page, and a private other home page that it'd be nicer if logged in users landed on). Anyone know of such a thing?09:09:12
8 Feb 2021
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlHey all, I'm working on upgrading my wikis (in my dev env) from 1.34.4 to 1.35.1 and the update.php script is giving me a duplicate key error on one of the wikis so far, and I'm not sure how to best resolve the issue: https://gist.github.com/justinclloyd/41a2af492475d273f01382367f13b27021:46:50

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