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8 Feb 2021
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode hey, justinl 22:49:19
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode replied to justinl's with a hint. 23:00:32
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode * replied to justinl's gist with a hint. 23:00:43
9 Feb 2021
@tgr:matrix.orgtgryou should file a bug report.12:28:24
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlBy examining @hex13:36:03
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl * By examining hexmode 's code, I ran a query that showed just 6 duplicate index key entries in the ipblocks table, so I should just be able to manually delete one entry for each of the 6 duplicate pairs. I think this is the only one of my 6 wikis that have any duplicates, so hopefully this will get me around this one issue. 13:38:18
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlSeparately, I have another problem. I discovered, only after running the SMW rebuildData.php script on my smallest SMW wiki, that I have to run the SMW updateEntityCountMap.php script for each wiki. The smallest wiki took about 1h15m to run (almost 1.8 million rows in the smw_object_aux table) but even after running it, the wiki is still saying that there is still 1 pending task to run the script, even though the table and new field seem to look fine. Anyone familiar with this or do I need to open another issue in the SMW github repo?13:42:44
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlActually never mind on that last one. I just realized that I had to re-run my wiki deploy script (pushes the /srv/www/sites directory to all of the wiki web servers) since running the updateEntityCountMap.php script updated the .smw.json file for that wiki, and that file keeps track of incomplete tasks.13:46:59
10 Feb 2021
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl Another issue I'm seeing is that my wikis' logos are not showing when using the new vector skin. I have updated my LocalSettings.php files to use $wgLogos = [ '1x' => '/path/to/logo-image.png' ], which does show the correct logo for each wiki when using the legacy vector skin. Is this related to the new $wgVectorPrintLogo (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Skin:Vector#wgVectorPrintLogo) setting that uses an SVG logo file? 12:27:09
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl hexmode: Another question about the dupe issue in the ipblocks table. There are 6 IP addresses that are blocked and have multiple entries. For all but one of the IPs, the two entries for each were generally created about 20-30 minutes apart by different admins, infinite duration, but with different block parameters, e.g. one has "account creation disabled" and "cannot edit own talk page", while the other has both of those plus "anon only". So just deleting one of the entries would change the total block parameters for the given address and that doesn't feel like the right approach. 12:48:43
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlAlso from what I can see by reviewing the code you provided, the duplicate seems to be based on the unique key being created based on the ip address and the two fields ipb_user and ipb_auto both being zero. So I'm still not sure how best to resolve this conflict so the update.php script will work.12:49:38
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode justinl: the wikis I work with tend not to have ipblocks. That said the way to deal with multiple blocks like that is probably to create a new entry that combines all the properties of the old ones and then delete the old one. 14:57:58
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlOk, thank you. I don't manage the blocks, our main editors do (they generally have sysop and/or bureaucrat privs) so I'll have to work with them on resolving the conflicts.15:11:22
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@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshDuring a work meeting, there was another example of where people want to use the wiki but end up using powerpoint or excel because MediaWiki just doesn't do what they need. They simply wanted to make a schedule type thing over the course of a few days. 16:53:32
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshGranted we have extensions that provide some of the functionality, like tables or spreadsheets, or the Summary Timeline I made, or Gantt format, but none of them provides the full flexability that something like excel does to do these things.16:56:39
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandMediaWiki has a lot of really cool extensions & there will continue to be new extensions, but I've been wondering about having the ability to display a spreadsheet within a page (Excel, Google, other). Are there any good options for this now? They don't necessarily have to be version controlled.18:09:17
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaCould be a task for the Widgets extension.18:54:38
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI'm trying to figure out why my dev environment is slow. I know I can profile the wiki, but don't have a good handle on that. Can someone point me to a quick setup that I can use on my current wiki to enable profiling and get some low-hanging fruit quickly?19:13:06
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode * I'm trying to figure out why my dev environment is slow. I know I can profile the wiki, but don't have a good handle on that. Can someone point me to a quick setup that I can use on my current wiki to enable profiling and get some low-hanging fruit quickly?19:13:15
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrturn on the debug toolbar?19:19:14
* @hexmode:matrix.orghexmode tries that19:19:43
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeslow queries will show up, but not slow code. Unless I'm missing something obvious.19:24:24
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeex: the slowest thing there looks like User::loadOptions loading properties from the DB and taking 60ms19:25:53
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeBut page load time is 15s19:26:04
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodemaybe memcache problem?19:26:18
* @hexmode:matrix.orghexmode checks19:26:21
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeyep.... sorry for the trouble, but thank you for the help :)19:31:15
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode(would still like a quick profiler, though, if one exists.)19:33:23
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrFWIW, the quick setup for profiling is XDebug.21:54:03

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