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17 Feb 2021
@tgr:matrix.orgtgr justinl: what version of MediaWiki is that? We don't seem to have ever used that option. 14:39:14
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl tgr: 15:48:06
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrright, so apparently someone used the integer constant value of CURLPIPE_HTTP1 instead of typing it out. Boo.18:29:15
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrIt's the same on master, you should probably file a bug.18:29:36
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlOk, thanks.18:49:07
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlHopefully this is good enough for starters: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T27506419:03:52
18 Feb 2021
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseMy team is hiring an Associate Engineer! Please feel free to pass this on to any junior developers who are looking for a remote position working with MediaWiki. And please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. https://boards.greenhouse.io/wikimedia/jobs/289786100:24:41
@georgios:matrix.orgGeorgios Mavropalias changed their profile picture.14:37:56
23 Feb 2021
@maxhryhoryev:matrix.orgМакс Григор'єв joined the room.08:29:55
@maxhryhoryev:matrix.orgМакс Григор'єв

We are an IT company and are looking for a documentation system, and therefore would like to know if there in Wikimedia (short answer: yes or no) :

  1. Sharing and editing?
  2. Multilevel access system?
  3. A tree structure with the ability to allocate access to its individual members?
  4. Versioning changes and the ability to rollback?
  5. Integration with a versioning system (bitbucket)?
  6. Do you have a convenient visual text editor?
  7. Cloud solution with WEB access?
  8. Is there a mobile application?
  9. Ability to expand functionality and customization through plugins?
  10. Ability to create and reuse templates?
  11. Is it possible to add: diagrams, tables, visual elements?
  12. Tracker and views counter?
  13. Ability to split your account into subaccounts?
  14. Ability to comment?
  15. API for creating bots, e.g. Q&A?
  16. Ability to post and view videos directly in the interface?
@maxhryhoryev:matrix.orgМакс Григор'євhelp me please08:57:32
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharlyWell Maxc. Your question has a lot of other question raised to give a good answer, but as a commercial person I would say yes to all your 16 points. Standard MediaWiki can handle 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15. All your other points can be done with extensions that already exist or if its really specific a custom made extension ( but that means coding work ). But I am not the real MediaWiki expert here.09:01:52
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharly * Well Maxc. Your question has a lot of other questions raised to give a good answer, but as a commercial person I would say yes to all your 16 points. Standard MediaWiki can handle 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15. All your other points can be done with extensions that already exist or if its really specific a custom made extension ( but that means coding work ). But I am not the real MediaWiki expert here.09:02:03
@sen-sai:matrix.orgCharly * Well Makc. Your question has a lot of other questions raised to give a good answer, but as a commercial person I would say yes to all your 16 points. Standard MediaWiki can handle 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15. All your other points can be done with extensions that already exist or if its really specific a custom made extension ( but that means coding work ). But I am not the real MediaWiki expert here.09:13:50

Макс Григор'єв: To expand a bit, I'll take stab and others can correct me:

  1. Sharing and editing? ➡️ Yes (Out of the box)
  2. Multilevel access system? ➡️ Kind of (Edit access can be configured to page level. View access is harder, but some people have solutions here.)
  3. A tree structure with the ability to allocate access to its individual members? ➡️ Not really (MediaWiki pages are "flat", but structure and breadcrumbs can be added to mimic what you are looking for)
  4. Versioning changes and the ability to rollback? ➡️ Yes (Out of the box)
  5. Integration with a versioning system (bitbucket)? ➡️ Kind of (Through API, PyWikiBot, or external programming)
  6. Do you have a convenient visual text editor? ➡️ Yes (Out of the box with MW 1.35)
  7. Cloud solution with WEB access? ➡️ Yes (Out of the box)
  8. Is there a mobile application? ➡️ Yes (Extension)
  9. Ability to expand functionality and customization through plugins? ➡️ Yes (Many extensions already exist and you can create custom extensions)
  10. Ability to create and reuse templates? ➡️ Yes (Out of the box)
  11. Is it possible to add: diagrams, tables, visual elements? ➡️ Yes (Some out of the box, others with extensions like this)
  12. Tracker and views counter? ➡️ Yes (Some out of the box, additional with extensions)
  13. Ability to split your account into subaccounts? ➡️ Not sure about the question (You can create as many User accounts as you want)
  14. Ability to comment? ➡️ Yes (Some out of the box via Discussion/Talk pages, additional with extensions)
  15. API for creating bots, e.g. Q&A? ➡️ Yes (Out of the box)
  16. Ability to post and view videos directly in the interface? ➡️ Yes (Extension like this one)
@maxhryhoryev:matrix.orgМакс Григор'євDokuwiki and MediaWiki are the same?09:17:05
@marijnw:matrix.orgMarijn van Wezel Dokuwiki is much simpler 09:18:05
 Dokuwiki is not MediaWiki.  Much different.
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode * Dokuwiki is not MediaWiki. Much different. 16:38:23
24 Feb 2021
In reply to @maxhryhoryev:matrix.org
Dokuwiki and MediaWiki are the same?
They both have wiki in the name (and php in the code) but that is where similarities end :-). Dokuwiki is simpler (eg file based, no db backend)
@richardheigl:matrix.orgrichardheiglI think we've touched on this here before: Elasticsearch is changing its licensing system with version 7.11. After that, there will no longer be a recognized open source license for Elasticsearch. We are monitoring the situation. Amazon and Logz.io have announced forks, but so far there is nothing to be seen. Is the Wikimedia Foundation already thinking about this? I assume that all MediaWiki organizations will agree on the same solution and that will depend on the WMF.11:48:04
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseYes, they are indeed already thinking about this, but I do not know the current thoughts. I will ask.11:54:11
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseThank you, @tgr. I was just looking for that! 😁12:27:36
25 Feb 2021
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl Hey all, I'm testing MW 1.35 for an upgrade from 1.34 and running into a Varnish problem. It seems like with 1.35 it's always setting a session cookie named <dbname>mwuser-sessionId, which is causing Varnish to never cache anything since a standard VCL block recommended for MW Varnish config is 18:05:40
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie ~ "session" || req.http.Cookie ~ "Token") { return (pass); } /* Not cacheable by default */ 18:05:42

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