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12 Sep 2019
@grin:grin.hugringrin.hu uses a static config, so probably all labs is enabled by default.19:03:37
@grin:grin.hugrinI set it up months ago, I don't remember it ;-)19:03:56
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeSo, that makes more sense. After you pointed out it was personal settings, I can see labs on my desktop client19:04:52
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI modified the config.json for desktop, but couldn't find labs till now19:05:15
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeooh, and then I had to clear cache and now pin shows up on desktop client19:07:08
13 Sep 2019
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrFWIW you can click on the little M icon in the input field and get a rich text editor if you are not familiar with markdown08:54:09
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrcan I use https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:NamespaceManager_(BlueSpice) without installing the rest of BlueSpice?14:19:59

I'd like to set up an SMW query where I exclude several values of a property. Ideally it'd be something like
{{#ask: [[My property::!orange]] [[My property::!yellow]] [[My property::!red]] }}

But I don't think this works. I think it is interpreted to return pages (or objects) with values other than the one specified. So I think using a single exclusion works, but not a set of them. For example, if a page has value "yellow" for My property, it will be included in the above query since this passes the test for !orange. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the case.

So instead I have been trying to use #arraymap and features from the variables and arrays extensions to parse a list of pages and set up a query like

{{#ask: [[Page title text::!Page 1]] [[Page title text:!Page 2]] ... etc }}

But this approach ends up with a lengthy query and I think I'm exceeding the limit of a query length. Thoughts on how else to handle this?

@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamon Not sure about SMW, but it's easy to do that with Cargo, you can do any SQL like query. 23:42:14
14 Sep 2019
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamon So something like:
{{#cargo_query:|tables=Fruit|fields=FruitName,Color|where=Color<>"Orange" OR Color<>"Yellow" OR Color<>"Red"}}
@bryandamon:matrix.orgbryandamon *

So something like:

{{#cargo_query:|tables=Fruit|fields=FruitName,Color|where=Color<>"Orange" OR Color<>"Yellow" OR Color<>"Red"}}
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De Dauw

darenwelsh: Your original query should work fine. By default query conditions are joined by AND. If you want OR you need to put OR in the syntax.

Example: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Ask&q=[[News%20date::!29%20July%202019]]%20OR%20[[News%20date::!11%20April%202019]]&format=broadtable&limit=50&link=all&headers=show&searchlabel=...%20further%20results&class=sortable%20wikitable%20smwtable&sort=News%20date%2C&order=desc%2Casc&offset=0&eq=yes

If you remove the OR the first two results vanish.

@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De DauwI'm assuming here you do not have multiple vlues for the same property on the same page08:00:51
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshyeah, I should specify that this property has multiple values on pages14:57:49
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshfor my example above, a page might have values orange and yellow for My property14:59:01
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshanother page might have values orange and red14:59:18
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshand some pages may only have 1 or zero values14:59:37
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshI was thinking about how I would do this in SQL and this might be my first use case where Cargo is the better choice15:00:42
@darenwelsh:matrix.orgdarenwelshor, since this is for an extension, build it right into a custom SQL table using parser functions to avoid yet another dependency15:02:40
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De DauwRedacted or Malformed Event19:41:33
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De Dauw darenwelsh: I'm not sure about the multiple value case either. You could ask on the SMW user mailing list. Bunch of people there that do know. 19:42:37
17 Sep 2019
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgLooking for anyone who has worked on a skin project (develop custom skin) that would share experiences.16:38:20
@freephile:matrix.orgrundge.g. project outline, approximate costs and timeline16:38:57
@freephile:matrix.orgrundgI (perhaps mistakenly) feel like a skin project could be rather complicated (expensive) if you consider there are thousands of extensions but only a dozen or so skins16:41:03
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicalese s7eph4n would be the best person to ask about creating skins. 16:43:34
@freephile:matrix.orgrundg s7eph4n: et al. The FamilySearch wiki [1] has a custom extension that I wrote [2] to inject a 'header' (aka banner or masthead) which contains a bunch of HTML and JS. It also wraps the bottom with a footer with links etc. The downside of this approach is the flash of content before and after these elements (header/footer) are moved into place. I'm assuming that a skin would be the right way to actually have MediaWiki wrapped in a custom header with navigation plus footer.
[1] https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en
[2] https://github.com/freephile/FsHeader
@s7eph4n:matrix.orgs7eph4n freephile: There are people saying that MW's skinning system is too complicated. I don't have much to compare it with (e.g. no WP experience at all), so I can't say. But I think the low number of skins compared with the number of extensions might also be due to extensions usually solving a well-defined need, while skins are more "nice to have". 17:13:22
@s7eph4n:matrix.orgs7eph4nAnd many wikis explicitly want to be recognizable as a wiki, i.e. resemble WP.17:14:13
@s7eph4n:matrix.orgs7eph4nAnyway, I would look for hooks to inject your content. (Sorry, can't look myself, right now. I'm about to leave.)17:15:12

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