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13 Feb 2019
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandI'd like to make the Result of $2 bold20:12:04
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandOr: Welcome to the {{SITENAME}}! Site Link: $4 I'd like to combine the two. If Wikitext worked: Welcome to the [$4 {{SITENAME}}]!20:13:43
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeSo, what message are you looking at modifying?20:14:10
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI see enotif_body, as an example of one20:14:25
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandCreateaccount-text20:14:28
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandAlthough, it's very low on my priority. If there was an easy answer, I'd be interested. Sounds like the easy answer is, nope.20:15:28
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeso, it passes through wfMessage()->inLanguage()->text() (at least in this MW version.)20:18:30
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode I think you're limited because it doesn't use parse(), right, cicalese ? 20:18:56
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseI think so. I had the same problem sending out email notifications at one point. Also, isn't it a complicated by the fact that the email is sent as text, not html?20:20:06
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeyes, Echo does some html email, but not core MW20:20:52
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmode bryandamon: file a bug ! 😀 20:21:31
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandBug = Feature request? Bug seems so harsh. I've got it in my ToDo, but it doesn't seem all that important. This would be nice though: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T140068 The ability to remove the "This is my own work" checkbox on image/file uploads using VisualEditor or the wikitext editor.20:25:29
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandFor 3rd party wikis, it's super annoying for users and not usually necessary (in my experience).20:26:07
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodefeature request, yes20:26:53
@cicalese:matrix.orgcicaleseI remember seeing that a few months ago. Has anybody investigated what would be involved in implementing a flag to remove the checkbox?20:28:57
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI did a while back, briefly, but I think I was looking to see if it was possible w/o modifying core.20:30:39
@hexmode:matrix.orghexmodeI think I determined it wasn't possible w/o modifying core. And then gave up. :P20:31:16
14 Feb 2019
@tgr:matrix.orgtgr bryandamon: you can modify messages by editing the corresponding MediaWiki: page 01:09:44
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrMediaWiki core doesn't really support HTML emails at the moment, though01:10:08
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrwhen you see decently looking emails, those come from Echo01:10:24
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrcf https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T1530301:10:46
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrand also https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T12835101:11:24
@bryandamon:matrix.orgBryan HilderbrandGotcha, thanks @tgr:matrix.org!01:14:27
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrre: own work, adding a feature flag seems trivial, I'm sure a patch would be accepted01:15:33
@tgr:matrix.orgtgralthough it might be more useful to write an alternative upload dialog since you might want to also skip adding a description etc. - I'd imagine most enterprise wikis would want a "just upload the file and don't bother me" behavior on drag&drop.01:16:55
@tgr:matrix.orgtgr...I came here to note that WikiApiary is down01:17:40
* @tgr:matrix.orgtgr needs to get better at not getting distracted01:17:53
@jamesmontalvo3:matrix.orgjamesmontalvo3Description is still useful as long as it's optional. The problem with ownwork in an enterprise case is that neither option is really true...i may have done the work, but I don't own it (the company/org does). Or I may not have done the work but I still have authority to upload it.01:41:04
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxSo true01:41:40
@tgr:matrix.orgtgrRfC discussion on using GitHub login in mediawiki.org today (or tomorrow, depending on your time zone): https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T21504602:02:46

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