

935 Members
Classic Need for Speed Community | Related Room: #music-creation  | Community: https://matrix.to/#/+classicnfs:matrix.org | Discord Server: https://bit.ly/2SQzaKS This is the (Music) room that is a part of a larger Need for Speed Classic community. We cover all the classic NFS games such as The Need for Speed. Need for Speed II, III Hot Pursuit, High Stakes, Porsche and Hot Pursuit 2. This community is Bridged with a Discord Server.7 Servers

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13 May 2022
@_discord_474656116677148672:flowtivity.ioNewly Reformed Renovo~ changed their profile picture.10:23:00
@_discord_474656116677148672:flowtivity.ioNewly Reformed Renovo~ changed their display name from Newly Reformed Renovo~#5162 to Newly Reformed Renovo~.10:23:02
@_discord_750586346057498698:flowtivity.ioRagibHasin joined the room.17:27:59
@_discord_89193304045940736:flowtivity.ioMIKE[🇺🇸] joined the room.23:11:47
14 May 2022
@_discord_792373628503195648:flowtivity.ioOverWatch changed their display name from SD70Forever23 to SD70Forever23#6289.12:41:38
@_discord_792373628503195648:flowtivity.ioOverWatch changed their display name from SD70Forever23#6289 to SD70Forever23.12:41:41
@_discord_297791774141710346:flowtivity.ioZipper [🇦🇷] changed their display name from Zipper [🇦🇷] to Zipper#7312.15:39:11
@_discord_297791774141710346:flowtivity.ioZipper [🇦🇷] changed their display name from Zipper#7312 to Zipper [🇦🇷].15:39:14
17 May 2022
@_discord_275587823799894028:flowtivity.ioK3nningar [FR-CH] changed their display name from K3nningar [🇫🇷🇨🇭] to Kenningar#2541.11:47:04
@_discord_275587823799894028:flowtivity.ioK3nningar [FR-CH] changed their profile picture.11:47:08
@_discord_275587823799894028:flowtivity.ioK3nningar [FR-CH] changed their display name from Kenningar#2541 to K3nningar [🇫🇷🇨🇭].11:47:10
@_discord_866447329863401482:flowtivity.ioDanito-66 changed their display name from Mr.Zero to Mr.Zero#2077.17:59:16
@_discord_866447329863401482:flowtivity.ioDanito-66 changed their display name from Mr.Zero#2077 to Mr.Zero.17:59:19
@_discord_797201538934112276:flowtivity.ioTerminator Vasya changed their display name from Terminator Vasya to Terminator Vasya#1043.21:26:29
@_discord_797201538934112276:flowtivity.ioTerminator Vasya changed their display name from Terminator Vasya#1043 to Terminator Vasya.21:26:32
@_discord_139465774849982465:flowtivity.ioYespiObada changed their display name from YespiObada to YespiObada#7578.22:46:48
@_discord_139465774849982465:flowtivity.ioYespiObada changed their display name from YespiObada#7578 to YespiObada.22:46:50
18 May 2022
@_discord_346316069549637643:flowtivity.ioPlayNeth#3583 https://youtu.be/TDIPGQWedvo does anyone else hear hydrus 606 drums here or am i going insane 22:03:50
@_discord_104624815859580928:flowtivity.ioCygnus Yeah that’s probably the same demon boyz - dett drum loop 23:15:50
19 May 2022
@_discord_104624815859580928:flowtivity.ioCygnus Speaking of Rom’s music, his latest photo looks pretty neat 00:06:15
@_discord_104624815859580928:flowtivity.ioCygnus People are dubbing him ‘techno jesus’ 00:06:35
@_discord_346316069549637643:flowtivity.ioPlayNeth#3583 As they should, cuz it's true 00:08:54
@_discord_346316069549637643:flowtivity.ioPlayNeth#3583 Lol 00:08:56
20 May 2022
@_discord_968987758339194951:flowtivity.iopsycho joined the room.19:53:42
22 May 2022
@_discord_736513922630287400:flowtivity.ioVovansir2019 changed their display name from Vovansir2019 to Vovansir2019#0229.06:56:09
@_discord_736513922630287400:flowtivity.ioVovansir2019 changed their display name from Vovansir2019#0229 to Vovansir2019.06:56:12
@_discord_140184116002947073:flowtivity.ioBechamel joined the room.13:31:00
@_discord_456281562171047946:flowtivity.ioTropixx_XLR joined the room.17:02:07
@_discord_546255353474580502:flowtivity.ioCrimson Fury#1189 changed their display name from Crimson Fury to Crimson Fury#1189.21:47:01
@_discord_546255353474580502:flowtivity.ioCrimson Fury#1189 changed their display name from Crimson Fury#1189 to Crimson Fury.21:47:04

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