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5 Feb 2025
@lewri:matrix.orglewriMe too18:55:27
@lewri:matrix.orglewriThe weight of benefit outweighs the downsides18:55:52
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeI can do the cpp change, I just don't know the best way to handle it18:56:12
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeOne way is to check walls as well, instead of only (I would guess) traversable edges18:56:55
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeor it can adapt traversable edges as you build and destroy walls18:57:23
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeThe former during path-finding thus18:57:45
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreealthough I would have to check what it really does, I don't remember that18:58:17
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeI guess it depends on other uses of traverasable edges18:58:57
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeeg with side-objects? No idea how that is done18:59:48
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeBut anyway, until cpp gets fixed the best option is perhaps more updatePathFinding(), I think19:01:07
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeHmm, updatePathFinding() destroys all non-traversable edges where there is not a wall, unless there are more graphics that count as wall19:05:08
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeor Lua must add thos again after the call19:05:49
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeLooks like more digging is needed first19:06:59
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeWe also have World:resetSideObjects at line 255120:14:46
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreewhich fixes the travel flags for objects in rooms that were edited20:15:28
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeif map:getCellFlags(x, y)[passable_flag] == true then <-- and such magic for querying flags20:18:01
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreemap:setCellFlags(x, y, flags) and this for setting20:18:39
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeSo perhaps updatePathFinding should only be used for empty maps? Sionce it destroys all passable information except for the walls20:19:47
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Isn't it used as part of Map being told of a new object 22:14:35
6 Feb 2025
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeLua sets travel flags in that case19:15:18
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeie the stuff in world19:17:13
@_discord_1038858122703405086:t2bot.ioMatroftt Where does object check if a cursor hovers it? 21:04:28
@_discord_1038858122703405086:t2bot.ioMatroftt For example, hovering it will make dynamic info appear 21:05:17
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeI don't quite know where that happens, probably somewhere with the mouse cursor position21:12:03
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeThere is a hit-test function with the sprites, that allows questions like "what sprite is visible at this (x, y) coordinate?"21:13:10
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeAnother way in is from the "back". Find a message, find where it gets selected for display, and then (probably repeatedly) find the function that calls that code.21:14:45
7 Feb 2025
@_discord_948013153692839946:t2bot.iovinbruk joined the room.04:28:08
@_discord_948013153692839946:t2bot.iovinbruk 04:57:04
8 Feb 2025
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioraven.penfold changed their profile picture.01:43:53
@_discord_432268633943572481:t2bot.iohyp0chondria. joined the room.13:41:46

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