

147 Members
MapComplete is a tool to visualize and survey data on a specific topic. http://mapcomplete.osm.be/ | https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete | https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/blob/master/Docs/Making_Your_Own_Theme.md)21 Servers

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25 Mar 2024
In reply to @telegram_730737052:tchncs.de
Good to know. Then choosing a small area for add data is enough. But im surprised. Selecting only one theme, for example all benches from Netherlands to Italy (some hundreds thousands) take a only second.
It doesn't actually load all this data - only a summary count.
@pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvnImportant announcement: the baselayer on dev.mapcomplete.org has changed to a self-modified protomaps based alternative. If there are things you find really ugly about it, let me know10:36:03
@pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvn(I'm gonna ditch maptiler as default - protomaps will be way cheaper :p )10:36:26
@pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvnOooh! Syncthing party! My ID is RF44SJB-HZ7Z6YX-N5NIQF7-BDN2SF7-THJYYT4-V44WZ7C-56D6GVA-UTQL5QC11:49:41
In reply to @pietervdvn:matrix.org
Oooh! Syncthing party!
My ID is
@telegram_1020342635:tchncs.deThomas (Telegram) joined the room.21:31:16
27 Mar 2024
@betterletters:matrix.orgSam Roberts joined the room.06:17:51
@betterletters:matrix.orgSam RobertsI'm new so sorry if this very basic question has been answered already. I want to make a map that will probably end up with 100–200 locations around the world, with the theme of places of interest in terms of sign painting and lettering. I have two main questions: 1. Is this best done with a layer or a theme? 2. When trying to make a theme, I'm asked to define a layer, and when trying to make a layer I'm asked to define a tag/tag key. What do I create/include there, and where to I then tag things for inclusion?06:33:42
@doniks:matrix.orgdoniks joined the room.23:05:22
28 Mar 2024
@pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvnOh boy, Danieldegroot just opened 28 issues in less then two days O.o... I got issue-bombed 😅 Gonna take a while to churn through all of them...00:45:20

Hi, how new are you to OpenStreetMap? Are you familiar with the tagging scheme and rules about creating new tagging?

Creating a tag specifically for "this place has something to do with signs and letterings" won't fly I'm afraid, as this is both too vague and requires to much work.

Second, MapComplete always starts from a certain category, e.g. 'museums' or 'shops' - not with some aspect. If a place "has some property X", I don't know the main tag of X.

As such, think closely what the basic layers should be (e.g. museums + artwork + ...) Then, think about how this should be tagged; e.g. using tourism=museum; subject:wikidata=Q5538738 (which would be a museum about placing letters in comics, see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5538738

@pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvnA good first step could be either to create a layer 'museums' in MapComplete (this doesn't exist yet) or to modify the 'trails'-layer to filter out some trail about letters00:50:28
@betterletters:matrix.orgSam Roberts
In reply to @pietervdvn:matrix.org

Hi, how new are you to OpenStreetMap? Are you familiar with the tagging scheme and rules about creating new tagging?

Creating a tag specifically for "this place has something to do with signs and letterings" won't fly I'm afraid, as this is both too vague and requires to much work.

Second, MapComplete always starts from a certain category, e.g. 'museums' or 'shops' - not with some aspect. If a place "has some property X", I don't know the main tag of X.

As such, think closely what the basic layers should be (e.g. museums + artwork + ...) Then, think about how this should be tagged; e.g. using tourism=museum; subject:wikidata=Q5538738 (which would be a museum about placing letters in comics, see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5538738

Thank you, that makes more sense. PS. This, including openstreetmap, is completely new to me.
@betterletters:matrix.orgSam RobertsRedacted or Malformed Event04:52:11
@betterletters:matrix.orgSam RobertsRedacted or Malformed Event04:53:54
@telegram_6649635485:tchncs.de@telegram_6649635485:tchncs.de left the room.06:47:25
@thibaultmol:matrix.orgThibaultmolHe's trying to overtake my title of top issue creator! /s06:55:41
@thibaultmol:matrix.orgThibaultmolI don't stand for this! /s06:55:50
@telegram_1020342635:tchncs.deThomas (Telegram)Is it possible to import photos from my smartphone? Maybe with the location on the POI automatically?08:57:08
@thibaultmol:matrix.orgThibaultmolJust so I get it right: you mean: import images from your phone and have them auto match with the right POI?10:06:16
@thibaultmol:matrix.orgThibaultmolnot really because the location isn't accurate enough to know exactly what POI it might be relevant to10:06:34
@betterletters:matrix.orgSam Roberts
In reply to @pietervdvn:matrix.org

Hi, how new are you to OpenStreetMap? Are you familiar with the tagging scheme and rules about creating new tagging?

Creating a tag specifically for "this place has something to do with signs and letterings" won't fly I'm afraid, as this is both too vague and requires to much work.

Second, MapComplete always starts from a certain category, e.g. 'museums' or 'shops' - not with some aspect. If a place "has some property X", I don't know the main tag of X.

As such, think closely what the basic layers should be (e.g. museums + artwork + ...) Then, think about how this should be tagged; e.g. using tourism=museum; subject:wikidata=Q5538738 (which would be a museum about placing letters in comics, see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5538738

I've now added that tag to the American Sign Museum as a test case, but when trying to filter by it on a new MapComplete layer it says there are no locations tagged with that.
@telegram_609517172:tchncs.deRose (Telegram) changed their profile picture.16:09:24
@doniks:matrix.orgdoniksI had a confusing situation yesterday with MapComplete app. I answered a question about the surface. I think it was "What surface does this piece of road have?" - well, Dirt. And afterwards I saw another question "What's the surface firmness of this track?" ah, ok, well, "mostly soft" dirt I answered, but then the app already warned me. something along the lines, hey are you really really sure. this has recently been changed! ... I confirmed and then ended up back with the first question. I think I might have cycled through this multiple times. I tried to find it back in my edits now ... I think it was this one: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/753032331/history17:20:06
29 Mar 2024

Hi, wrong chatroom 😉

You've made changes with Street Complete - the Android app. This is the chatroom for Map Complete (which is somewhat similar and was partly inspired on StreetComplete), but I can't help you with your specific situation.

You can create an issue here: https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/issues

And while you're here, you can also test Map Complete on https://mapcomplete.org

@pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvn@room Community call will start in a few minutes, right here. Notes can be found at https://mypads2.framapad.org/p/2024-01-mapcomplete-community-call-7z4jxi91x12:51:32
Jitsi widget added by @pietervdvn:matrix.orgpietervdvn12:57:43
@rlin:matrix.orgRobin van der Lindehttps://mapcomplete-git-feature-nsilayer-robinlinde.vercel.app/atm.html13:35:02
@gitcookie:tchncs.degitcookie joined the room.20:19:30
30 Mar 2024
@midgard:matrix.rumores.eumidgard joined the room.05:11:59

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