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20 Jun 2022
@appservice:libera.chatappservicechanged room power levels.04:42:06
@sebastjan-hribar-55adee4d37f2ad22587e9caf:gitter.imsebastjan-hribar (Sebastjan Hribar) joined the room.04:53:13
@sebastjan-hribar-55adee4d37f2ad22587e9caf:gitter.imsebastjan-hribar (Sebastjan Hribar) Hi, I've added the ORG layer, but when I open an ORG file, there is no markup. Do I have to do anything else? 04:53:14
@jnbrains:matrix.orgjnbrains joined the room.05:43:06
@_discord_988333493509562428:t2bot.iodart joined the room.06:44:45
@telegram_1533957273:t2bot.io연재 노 joined the room.06:45:22
@telegram_1533957273:t2bot.io연재 노Hi, Is there way to prevent Flygrep panel from closing? Everytime I <enter> flygrep panel disappear..06:46:07

Hello all, vim-ultest is not maintained anymore and should be replaced with vim-neotest. Here is the output of the error message

vim-ultest is no longer maintained.
You can switch to using neotest (https://github.com/nvim-neotest/neotest) instead.
@_discord_781509620992442389:t2bot.ioFelipe Silva Hi guys, can I add plugins to lsp mode? I am using spacevim as rust ide and it's not showing the var type, for example. 18:57:50
21 Jun 2022
@wsdjeg-55f95b9b0fc9f982beb0dbb5:gitter.imwsdjeg (Wang Shidong) @telegram_1533957273:t2bot.io no, you can not do that. flygrep will be closed when open item. 06:09:10
@wsdjeg-55f95b9b0fc9f982beb0dbb5:gitter.imwsdjeg (Wang Shidong) but you can use ctrl-q in flygrep, it will open quickfix list window, and all items in flygrep will be list here. 06:10:22
@wsdjeg-55f95b9b0fc9f982beb0dbb5:gitter.imwsdjeg (Wang Shidong) @mikaoelitiana:matrix.org ok, thanks, will check it. 06:10:57
@zkanda:matrix.orgzkanda joined the room.06:25:54
@wlemuel-55b04cbd0fc9f982beaaa00e:gitter.imwlemuel (Steve Lemuel) joined the room.08:49:20
@wlemuel-55b04cbd0fc9f982beaaa00e:gitter.imwlemuel (Steve Lemuel) @mikaoelitiana:matrix.org @telegram_134044077:t2bot.io @Shougo @wsdjeg I met the same issue on spacevim start. After doing research, I found that the error was introduced by SpaceVim/SpaceVim@f8dc9c3. Maybe it is the problem of usage of function named ipairs and pairs
[dein] Error occurred while executing hook: nvim-lspconfig
[dein] Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua ...itiana/.SpaceVim/bundle/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig.lua:73: attempt to concatenate local 'k' (a boolean value)
[dein] stack traceback:
[dein] ^I...itiana/.SpaceVim/bundle/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig.lua:73: in function '__index'
[dein] ^I[string ":lua"]:49: in main chunk
@wlemuel-55b04cbd0fc9f982beaaa00e:gitter.imwlemuel (Steve Lemuel) * @mikaoelitiana:matrix.org @telegram_134044077:t2bot.io @Shougo @wsdjeg I met the same issue on spacevim start. After doing research, I found that the error was introduced by SpaceVim/SpaceVim@f8dc9c3. Maybe it is the problem that using functions named ipairs and pairs
[dein] Error occurred while executing hook: nvim-lspconfig
[dein] Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua ...itiana/.SpaceVim/bundle/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig.lua:73: attempt to concatenate local 'k' (a boolean value)
[dein] stack traceback:
[dein] ^I...itiana/.SpaceVim/bundle/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig.lua:73: in function '__index'
[dein] ^I[string ":lua"]:49: in main chunk
@flykule-58b91645d73408ce4f4e17a9:gitter.imflykule (CastleLiu) joined the room.09:38:51
@flykule-58b91645d73408ce4f4e17a9:gitter.imflykule (CastleLiu) 09:38:51
@flykule-58b91645d73408ce4f4e17a9:gitter.imflykule (CastleLiu) Hello, after enable python lang layer and update plugin, I got folowing errors: 09:38:53
@flykule-58b91645d73408ce4f4e17a9:gitter.imflykule (CastleLiu) The ~/.SpaceVim directory is clean. 09:39:28
@shougo-550c1bc415522ed4b3dd8cdc:gitter.imShougo (Shougo) Your vimrc newlines are broken 10:33:20
@shougo-550c1bc415522ed4b3dd8cdc:gitter.imShougo (Shougo) You need to convert CR LF to LF. 10:33:41
@_discord_121198393665126400:t2bot.ioKing joined the room.13:57:56
@_discord_781509620992442389:t2bot.ioFelipe Silva ? 18:57:18
@tmx11-5ec818ded73408ce4fe499f5:gitter.imtmx11 (tmx11) joined the room.19:10:55
@tmx11-5ec818ded73408ce4fe499f5:gitter.imtmx11 (tmx11) hey all - hope you are well - is anyone using spacevim with the java layer and gradle? 19:10:55
@shougo-550c1bc415522ed4b3dd8cdc:gitter.imShougo (Shougo) @flykule You need to learn new lines code. 20:34:10
@shougo-550c1bc415522ed4b3dd8cdc:gitter.imShougo (Shougo) Google it 20:34:15
@tmx11-5ec818ded73408ce4fe499f5:gitter.imtmx11 (tmx11) does anyone know about setting the classpath in java with the java layer? 21:56:07
@k:chat.eutychia.orgk 🤖 [they/it] joined the room.22:18:03

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