
M17 Module17 Development

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22 Jul 2024
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv I'm in the Module17 video he made after that one 18:41:24
@_discord_699990515256655943:t2bot.iomaxrobotics changed their profile picture.20:50:17
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:39:47
23 Jul 2024
@_discord_502878661364678666:t2bot.ioJp ON3PLZRedacted or Malformed Event06:44:23
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Morgan ON4MOD kc1awv ok I am in on ordering a small run of the new 1.0 m17 boards. I would love to recreate the red version youhave pictured in the case. Would one of you guys be willing to screen share with me to make a proper order at JCLPCB. I would probably order a run of 5-10 Thanks, Brad 16:35:22
@_discord_235422841862881290:t2bot.ioMorgan ON4MOD Yeah no problem. When would you like to do that? 16:48:47
@_discord_235422841862881290:t2bot.ioMorgan ON4MOD kb8ppa I'm available until 21:00 UTC 🙂 18:15:29
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Thanks Morgan i Will reach out tomorrow since it is past 21:00 21:27:49
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv kb8ppa I'd like to throw in for a couple sets myself if you want to add them in. 21:30:22
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Steve Yes no problem on that. we can figure it out tomorrow. I can zoom with you and morgan and we can make the order Sweet!!! 21:32:18
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv Sure. It would be great to have a copule I can take to shows 21:33:10
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv * Sure. It would be great to have a copule I can take to shows 21:33:20
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv * Sure. It would be great to have a couple I can take to shows 21:33:24
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Would be great to have by Huntsville. Not sure how fast JCLPCB is. Are you having a booth at Huntsville?? 21:35:10
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv After HAMRADIO in Germany, I'm tapped on PTO and discretionary travel funds 😄 The next two events for me will be local, HamXposition and NEAR-Fest 21:36:26
24 Jul 2024
@_discord_633846133579448330:t2bot.ioColin ZL2FL ZL2ARL kb8ppa I'd love to jump into a group order if postage down to New Zealand is ok 🙂 Happy to pre-pay if it helps with the finances. 06:11:00
@_discord_353983473058447362:t2bot.iomateuszmk joined the room.09:15:23
@_discord_420745433040551976:t2bot.ion2xdd 16:40:12
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Colin ZL2FL ZL2ARL when we get them in and working I would be happy to send you one at cost. 16:41:54
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Morgan ON4MOD Hey morgan not sure if you have any free time to zoom and place the order. I am free until 3:45 EST (19:45 utc) I have a zoom open https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82874357107?pwd=NC3C5R6AfJApX829JhUhqupxc8tAbg.1 16:43:54
@_discord_235422841862881290:t2bot.ioMorgan ON4MOD Hey!
I'll join you now 🙂
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Thank you morgan for spending the time this afternoon. Steve kc1awv and colin zl2fl, we are ordering in parts to JCLPCB so we can produce the boards. will maybetake 2 weeks to get some parts. Again Many thanks to Morgan (Jedi Master of board development 🙂 ) 19:16:42
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv I tried hopping in your Zoom earlier but needed to hop back onto the dayjob one, sorry I missed it 20:16:05
@_discord_633846133579448330:t2bot.ioColin ZL2FL ZL2ARL Awesome work guys 👍 20:38:29
@_discord_637376909092716554:t2bot.ioK3FZT-Steve changed their display name from K3FZT to K3FZT-Steve.23:30:23
25 Jul 2024
@_discord_174338490899628032:t2bot.ioEric KJ5DIF changed their display name from KJ5DIF to Eric KJ5DIF.03:28:16
@_discord_783375157586427934:t2bot.ioW1WRA changed their profile picture.16:01:13
26 Jul 2024
@_discord_1081571256001900564:t2bot.iokb8ppa Morgan ON4MOD , JCLPCB could not source the CL-SB-22A-11T, But i was able to Global source it. So looks like the Mid August. Cross fingers the the rest of the parts will still be in stock by then 🙂 16:28:28
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED Hearing you loud and clear 21:58:40
@_discord_835903780318740501:t2bot.iom0iei joined the room.22:16:53

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