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14 Sep 2020
In reply to @wowaname:volatile.bz
they just suddenly do not want to be transparent with me
Seems out of character, but I don't actually know them.
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalwhich instance are you on10:58:21
@wowaname:volatile.bzopaltheres no decent, neutral tech-related instance ive seen10:58:32
@jlj:matrix.org@jlj:matrix.orgI've drifted away from it, tbh10:58:52
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalfosstodon, infosec.exchange, and mastodon.technology all have opaque moderation and it irritates me10:59:05
@jlj:matrix.org@jlj:matrix.orgBut I assumed everyone could find something to suit in the Fediverse.10:59:11
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalits complicated10:59:26
In reply to @wowaname:volatile.bz
fosstodon, infosec.exchange, and mastodon.technology all have opaque moderation and it irritates me
Huh. Hadn't really explored it. New to Mastodon, really.
@wowaname:volatile.bzopaleither an instance does all the blocking, or it gets blocked by everyone10:59:40
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalreally very little in-between10:59:44
@wowaname:volatile.bzopali run anime.website which is a (nsfw) instance that allows anything legal in the usa pretty much11:00:04
In reply to @wowaname:volatile.bz
either an instance does all the blocking, or it gets blocked by everyone
Ah, right. Admins are 'responsible' or pariahs.
@wowaname:volatile.bzopaland blocks no content from remote servers11:00:15
@wowaname:volatile.bzopali chose to run my instance that way, because i wanted to get away from twitter's "too much" moderation. i believe that everyone can control their own experience using blocks and mutes11:00:52
@wowaname:volatile.bzopaland not everyone agrees with me on that :)11:01:10
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalim glad keybase stepped down from drifting toward a political favouring, instead saying that "everybody deserves crypto" and holding fast to that11:02:16
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalthey would have made a mistake otherwise imo11:02:25
@wowaname:volatile.bzopal>Admins are 'responsible' or pariahs.11:06:00
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalyep thats the two extremes11:06:04
@wowaname:volatile.bzopalresponsibility doesnt sound fun :p11:06:40
@barz:matrix.orgbarzWell, it dependa how the responsabilty is assigned18:22:34
@barz:matrix.orgbarzOr built18:22:40
@barz:matrix.orgbarz* Well, it depends how the responsabilty is assigned18:22:55
@barz:matrix.orgbarzImagine that you have to do a funny chess video18:23:47
@barz:matrix.orgbarzChess and funny? How that works, anyway" it's your responsibility"18:24:34
@barz:matrix.orgbarzRedacted or Malformed Event18:24:57
@barz:matrix.orgbarzAnd you end with something like this18:25:46
@barz:matrix.orgbarzDownload 86695807b3cd139603acb1b3a81f481bfb57ee99.mp418:27:34
22 Sep 2020
@dk_:matrix.org@dk_:matrix.org joined the room.03:26:37

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