
Ubuntu Unity

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A matrix channel for the Ubuntu Unity Remix for more of our channel join the community at +ubuntuunity:matrix.org 17 Servers

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21 Jul 2024
@telegram_94219070:t2bot.ioGo Kitchen29Malangdoes conky manager2 working with Ubuntu Unity 24.04 ?15:34:53
22 Jul 2024
@telegram_6531372512:t2bot.ioCitric Tea changed their display name from Wicked Orange to Citric Tea.00:56:59
@telegram_315335265:t2bot.ioC nahdusarahiraH changed their profile picture.04:55:44
@telegram_847258285:t2bot.iobittin (on low energy) changed their display name from bittin i am off for now, don't have energy with internet drama to bittin (on low energy).06:56:33
@telegram_6876944146:t2bot.iocesar eduardo hernandez del valle joined the room.07:35:54
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:36:13
@telegram_1061303912:t2bot.ioJoseDumb question, do you know where do i check if Ubuntu compiles their kernels with the NTFS driver16:44:03
23 Jul 2024
@djprogen:matrix.orgdjprogen joined the room.03:15:58
@telegram_6630927214:t2bot.ioDiane Robinson joined the room.05:46:15
@telegram_5838540683:t2bot.ioOnii ChannIs Ubuntu unity desktop environment still received security updates?07:09:23
@telegram_5775441403:t2bot.ioLuka Maček joined the room.09:54:06
@telegram_1123742758:t2bot.ioJIMMY changed their profile picture.14:55:10
In reply to Onii Chann
Is Ubuntu unity desktop environment still received security updates?
Yes of course
24 Jul 2024
@telegram_1252841207:t2bot.io🌪⚡️ZEUS_SOBERANO_DEL_OLIMPO⚡️🌪 changed their profile picture.06:46:56
@telegram_5838540683:t2bot.ioOnii Chann
In reply to Maik
Yes of course
Hmm. Okay
@_discord_1111001729790660741:t2bot.iocompurex Still a no-go for me unfortunately. Looks like I'm stuck with the default Snaps version of Firefox for now. 17:29:51
@_discord_1111001729790660741:t2bot.iocompurex * Still a no-go for me unfortunately. Looks like I'm stuck with the default Snaps version of Firefox for now.
As mentioned in a previous post is changing the name (building from source) too onerous to get around this issue? I, for one would be thankful if you could! If it every happens my vote for a name would be UniFox.😉
@_discord_1111001729790660741:t2bot.iocompurex * Still a no-go for me unfortunately. Looks like I'm stuck with the default Snaps version of Firefox for now.
As mentioned by a previous poster, is changing the name (building from source) too onerous to get around this issue? I, for one would be thankful if you could! If it ever happens my vote for a name would be UniFox.😉
@_discord_1111001729790660741:t2bot.iocompurex * Still a no-go for me unfortunately. Looks like I'm stuck with the default Snaps version of Firefox for now.
As mentioned by a previous poster, is changing the name (building from source) too onerous to get around this issue? I, for one would be thankful if you could! If it ever happens my vote for a name would be UniFox.😉
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_6875711121:t2bot.ioBhairavaI don't know why but sometimes my keyboard stop working and I had to restart again and again01:34:09
@acezr:matrix.orgJack Adams joined the room.02:32:45
@telegram_5761428557:t2bot.ioHID-compliant mouseDid anyone manage to make Thunderbird default calendar app (not the snap Thunderbird).20:52:42
26 Jul 2024
@sindog:matrix.orgsindog joined the room.13:42:51
@telegram_5761428557:t2bot.ioHID-compliant mouse* Did anyone manage to make Thunderbird default calendar app (not the snap Thunderbird)? (Nvm, I folded and installed snap)19:00:55
@telegram_5761428557:t2bot.ioHID-compliant mouseNot sure, maybe because it wasn’t official flavor. But there is still ISO on sourceforge22:17:31
@telegram_1056477387:t2bot.ioZakariaBecause 24.04 I can't use touchpad clicks22:19:27
@telegram_1056477387:t2bot.ioZakariaGuys why 22.04 download link not available on the official website ?22:14:28
@telegram_1056477387:t2bot.ioZakariaAs default in regular Ubuntu, 22.04 has that enabled by default22:19:57
@telegram_223503334:t2bot.ioIrio Try to install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package 22:24:46
27 Jul 2024
@telegram_527595345:t2bot.ioTobiyo KuujikaiThat might a unity bug00:45:37

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