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Discussion about the various k languages. For ngn/k dicussion, please see #ngnk:matrix.org16 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 yeah I don't think partial orders have anything to do with it 01:12:06
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 and "ordering" and "order" are also unrelated 01:12:14
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 permutations aren't generally ordered by order (now there's a sentence) 01:12:28
@_discord_239772388747640841:t2bot.iokrftdnr Well ain't that intuitive. 01:12:39
@_discord_239772388747640841:t2bot.iokrftdnr So when you want to number permutations you should just always be explicit about it and say the "Lehmer Code of the permutation" 01:14:21
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug But Lehmer encoding gives them one!! There may be other systems. 01:14:53
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug Either that or explain how your listing works. 01:15:19
@_discord_239772388747640841:t2bot.iokrftdnr Is there any mistake in my statement that assigning a total order to permutations is equivalent to numbering them? 01:15:42
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug Any listing creates a total ordering but insisting there is one isn’t a ton of information. 01:16:52
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 yeah, you can have a bijection from permutations to integers 01:17:03
@_discord_239772388747640841:t2bot.iokrftdnr In fact there are probably a plethora of orderings possibly, since you can modify any ordering to get a new one. 01:17:03
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 n!! even 01:17:13
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug I still recommend seeing how this is related to factorial base numbers. The math itself is fun. Not just the vocabulary. 01:18:03
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug Actually you only need n! because you can embed permutations of k elements in permutations of n elements when k<n. 01:31:08
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 If there are n! permutations from 1 to n, aren't there n!! ways to order them 01:32:48
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug Oh, sorry. I misread (and miscalculated) 01:33:17
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 Np 01:33:28
@mlochbaum:matrix.orgMarshall To make matters more confusing, n!! usually means something different!! 01:51:34
@mlochbaum:matrix.orgMarshall Not a big fan of that notation though, n!! being less than n! is weird. 01:52:47
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 lol true 01:54:56
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 Double factorials don't have too many applications so they seem pretty rare 01:55:12
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 From a brief look I don't think it has double factorials 02:06:18
@_discord_239772388747640841:t2bot.iokrftdnr Must not be that important then 02:06:40
@_discord_239772388747640841:t2bot.iokrftdnr Though it technically picked which to include based off properties of them, not which are useful. 02:07:19
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.iocoltim wow "double factorial" is a comically bad name! 12:13:05
@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer strong biweekly vibes 18:48:54
@_discord_171360495385706496:t2bot.ioparker changed their profile picture.21:26:52
26 Jul 2024
@_discord_671689100331319316:t2bot.iobrian_e 00:32:49
@_discord_1262574255451668500:t2bot.iobusy_hamster_48992 joined the room.15:07:22
27 Jul 2024
@psyomn:matrix.orgpsyomn joined the room.02:13:29

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