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Discussion about the various k languages. For ngn/k dicussion, please see #ngnk:matrix.org16 Servers

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2 Sep 2021
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.ioawagga#0001 lol 19:15:09
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 1 (-)⍨ 2 19:15:14
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 how does this work, or it doesn't 19:15:19
Download unknown.png
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.ioawagga#0001 This is kinda funny 19:15:29
@_discord_559418497734803470:t2bot.ioISO 4683-1#3216 lol 19:15:43
@_discord_559418497734803470:t2bot.ioISO 4683-1#3216 name ngn/k its own md5 19:16:11
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.ioColTim#5847 mkgskusd 19:16:16
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 those are probably not valid expression? 19:16:17
@_discord_559418497734803470:t2bot.ioISO 4683-1#3216 so that with every edit people have to totally change their search 19:16:20
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 1 ⍨[-;] 2 19:16:29
@_discord_559418497734803470:t2bot.ioISO 4683-1#3216 does that even work 19:16:41
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.ioColTim#5847 are you trying to have it pick up both the 1 and the 2? 19:16:42
@ngn:matrix.orgngnimagine making that much money per kilo per squared second :)19:16:45
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.ioawagga#0001 amazing 19:16:55
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 yes 19:17:04
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 so that should be 2-1 for 1 -⍨ 2 19:17:15
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 -[2;1] obviouslyy 19:17:54
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 but this is a contrived example 19:17:59
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 * -[2;1] obviously 19:18:04
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 * but this is a contrived example to demonstrate the usage 19:18:08
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 * but this is a contrived example to demonstrate the usage I'm trying to achieve 19:18:12
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.ioColTim#5847 yeh you can't define operators or whatnot with ngn's extension 19:18:20
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148 right but yesterday 19:18:31
@_discord_559418497734803470:t2bot.ioISO 4683-1#3216 you can define verbs though 19:18:41
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.ioColTim#5847 yesterday may have been the {x f x} selfie version? 19:19:06
@_discord_260286820128915457:t2bot.ioCpt. Kirk#9148
(⍨): {x/2#,y}
@_discord_822671936705527808:t2bot.ioAPLFarmChatCommands#6916 joined the room.19:19:07
@_discord_822671936705527808:t2bot.ioAPLFarmChatCommands#6916 Cpt. Kirk,

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