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Discussion about the various k languages. For ngn/k dicussion, please see #ngnk:matrix.org16 Servers

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23 Apr 2024
@ovf:beeper.comovf * to make users of ngn/k feel better, k4 has a related parser quirk:
(-5! is parse)
@_discord_201716976924622849:t2bot.iotwobular no version of k is without sin 22:20:16
@ovf:beeper.comovf k4 doesn't have the dwim dyad-to-monad of neither the k6 (or ngn? i forget) nor k9 variety, so (*)a should be *[a;] 22:21:13
@ovf:beeper.comovf * k4 lacks the dwim dyad-to-monad of either the k6 (or ngn? i forget) or k9 variety, so (*)a should be *[a;] 22:22:08
@ovf:beeper.comovfk is like knuth's software in that every new version is an iteration towards the ideal, but unlike knuth who has wisely chosen known-irrational target version numbers, the fact that we are not going round in circles remains to be proven22:24:34
@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer ngn treats (*)a like *a. 22:57:17
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.iocoltim hmm I think that's a ngn/k specific thing (related to stuff like *'x being first-each x. in k4/q symbols are always (I think, at least) dyadic. even *[a] is *[a;] (this also differs from ngn/k) 23:00:10
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.iocoltim this may be possibly related to https://github.com/quintanar401/DCoQ?tab=readme-ov-file#mystery-of- 23:02:28
@_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.iocoltim * hmm I think that's a ngn/k specific thing (related to stuff like *'x being first-each x). in k4/q symbols are always (I think, at least) dyadic. even *[a] is *[a;] (this also differs from ngn/k) 23:03:13
24 Apr 2024
In reply to @_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.io
hmm I think that's a ngn/k specific thing (related to stuff like *'x being first-each x). in k4/q symbols are always (I think, at least) dyadic. even *[a] is *[a;] (this also differs from ngn/k)
In goal verbs like * have a default arity of 2 that is used with adverbs, but they can all be used monadically too: (*)a is *a, and it works that way even if you assign: f:*;f a is *a too (but not in ngn/k where disambiguation occurs only at the syntactic level). I think ok does mostly the same as goal too.
In reply to @_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.io
ngn treats (*)a like *a.
yes, but ngn/k that's a (debatable) feature, in k4 it can be most charitably characterised as a quirk
In reply to @_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.io
ngn treats (*)a like *a.
* yes, but in ngn/k that's a (debatable) feature, in k4 it can be most charitably characterised as a quirk
In reply to @_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.io
hmm I think that's a ngn/k specific thing (related to stuff like *'x being first-each x). in k4/q symbols are always (I think, at least) dyadic. even *[a] is *[a;] (this also differs from ngn/k)
that's the intention, but as i said (*)a in k4 is *a
In reply to @_discord_624974820840308737:t2bot.io
this may be possibly related to https://github.com/quintanar401/DCoQ?tab=readme-ov-file#mystery-of-
btw this section is oh-so-out of date now
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@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer Getting parsing mostly done feels great. But now I'm feeling like that "draw the rest of the owl" meme because ASTs aren't that fun by themselves. 14:02:33
@_discord_1140710589165994105:t2bot.ioktye_67449 depends how you want to evaluate. if not by tree walking, you can throw it away and parse into linear form directly. otherwise evaluate it recursively right to left. 16:20:43
@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer I'm planning to walk the tree because my naive thought is it would be easier. 19:46:39
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug It feels a little like you’re shooting to have each stage be full featured before moving on to the next. Another approach is to go ksimple route and build a tiny language that does very little but can be built upon. 19:46:50
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug Having a plan saves you from heading into dark corners of course. 19:47:24
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug * It feels a little like you’re shooting to have each stage be full featured before moving on to the next. Another approach is to go the ksimple route and build a tiny language that does very little but can be built upon. 19:48:05
@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer I did actually start witha simplified language but then I was having so much fun with the parser I just kept going. 19:48:06
@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer For sure. I redid the parser about 3 times; it's only on the latest iteration that I decided to keep going until it was "complete". 20:08:23
@_discord_595317473247756288:t2bot.ioalexshroyer But now it's time to build the rest of the language - eval is my next task. 20:09:55
@dzaima:matrix.orgdzaima (bridge had dropped:)
discodoug: I’m a big believer in iteration. I’ve gotten caught up in projects (even professionally sadly) where I went too far and had to trash a lot of work. Of course lessons were still learned. “Kill your darlings” is a phrase some use to mean “Don’t be afraid to start over”. #Generalmumbojumbo
25 Apr 2024
@hermetian:matrix.orghermetiandropped this ^^^ as well ;)01:07:49
@_discord_696084484570873907:t2bot.io51cr0 joined the room.06:45:56
@_discord_141184225394032640:t2bot.iorumwantscake changed their profile picture.07:06:54
@_discord_193790288425123840:t2bot.ioreal2d joined the room.09:10:25
@_discord_193790288425123840:t2bot.ioreal2d 10:15:23

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