27 Jul 2021 |
| rust left the room. | 17:25:43 |
| rust joined the room. | 18:14:34 |
| GladBrein69 changed their display name from shibersecurity to GladBrein69. | 20:25:01 |
28 Jul 2021 |
| Stencil changed their display name from stencil to Nick. | 06:06:29 |
| d1sturbed joined the room. | 07:27:47 |
| @chh_86:matrix.org joined the room. | 09:03:48 |
| patience [they/them] 🏳️🌈 changed their display name from hypokeimenon [they/them] 🏳️🌈 to hypo 🏳️🌈 (unavailable/homeserver undergoing maintenance). | 16:34:37 |
| @olziel:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:13:04 |
| @olziel:matrix.org left the room. | 17:30:49 |
| kranrko joined the room. | 20:42:53 |
| kranrko set a profile picture. | 21:23:18 |
| Peter joined the room. | 21:58:26 |
29 Jul 2021 |
| Compound Fraxure joined the room. | 01:52:25 |
| Stencil changed their display name from Nick to Stencil. | 03:34:21 |
| skfi joined the room. | 08:32:48 |
| @donapenelope:matrix.org joined the room. | 11:07:31 |
| @donapenelope:matrix.org left the room. | 11:14:24 |
| @mbturner:matrix.org joined the room. | 11:22:33 |
| @magicounknown:matrix.org joined the room. | 13:06:57 |
| @magicounknown:matrix.org joined the room. | 13:07:11 |
| @magicounknown:matrix.org joined the room. | 13:07:55 |
| @magicounknown:matrix.org joined the room. | 13:08:18 |
| franix joined the room. | 17:36:05 |
30 Jul 2021 |
| takov751 joined the room. | 05:19:24 |
| @chh_86:matrix.org joined the room. | 05:43:30 |
| mr_doge joined the room. | 08:21:35 |
| patience [they/them] 🏳️🌈 changed their display name from hypo 🏳️🌈 (unavailable/homeserver undergoing maintenance) to patience [they/them] 🏳️🌈. | 08:48:59 |
| esec2 joined the room. | 08:50:04 |
| Laurenz invited satoqz. | 12:30:22 |
| satoqz joined the room. | 12:30:28 |