
Polkadot Network Status

537 Members
Polkabot is taking care of watching the Polkadot network for you. Be informed as soon as something happens: slow downs, referenda, runtime upgrades, validator in/out, etc...28 Servers

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4 Oct 2022
@matrix_help:matrix.org@matrix_help:matrix.org joined the room.16:45:48
5 Oct 2022
@fabio:web3.foundation@fabio:web3.foundation changed their display name from Fabio Lama | W3F ooo. u. Oct. 04th to Fabio Lama | W3F.06:58:30
@t.dennysanford44:matrix.org@t.dennysanford44:matrix.org left the room.15:24:02
@matrix_help:matrix.org@matrix_help:matrix.org left the room.19:49:59
6 Oct 2022
@kim_martial:matrix.org@kim_martial:matrix.org joined the room.13:11:02
@kim_martial:matrix.org@kim_martial:matrix.org left the room.15:59:56
8 Oct 2022
@nkvbueh:matrix.org@nkvbueh:matrix.org joined the room.20:34:23
9 Oct 2022
@armanriyazi.github.io:matrix.orgArman Riazi changed their profile picture.17:53:24
10 Oct 2022
@hamid:matrix.parity.ioHamid -> @hamid:parity.io changed their display name from Hamid to Hamid OOO Oct 10 -> Oct 13.04:31:55
@alistair:web3.foundationAlistair changed their display name from Alistair to Alistair (skiving off till Wed).07:18:27
@asociati:matrix.org@asociati:matrix.org changed their profile picture.18:42:29
11 Oct 2022
@nkvbueh:matrix.org@nkvbueh:matrix.org left the room.16:00:48
@steveultra1:matrix.orgsteve456 joined the room.22:18:12
12 Oct 2022
@alistair:web3.foundationAlistair changed their display name from Alistair (skiving off till Wed) to Alistair.07:16:58
@sota:matrix.orgsota | Astar changed their profile picture.11:18:46
13 Oct 2022
@tomaka17:matrix.parity.io@tomaka17:matrix.parity.io changed their profile picture.11:55:29
@hamid:matrix.parity.ioHamid -> @hamid:parity.io changed their display name from Hamid OOO Oct 10 -> Oct 13 to Hamid.18:44:28
16 Oct 2022
@anggaadiputra:matrix.organggaaadiputra.io changed their profile picture.02:06:58
18 Oct 2022
@cash__:matrix.org@cash__:matrix.org left the room.21:56:28
21 Oct 2022
@pierre.besson:matrix.parity.ioPierre Besson (deprecated, new contact at @pierre:parity.io) changed their display name from Pierre Besson to Pierre Besson - ooo.07:11:35
@rlaferla:matrix.orgRobert La Ferla (Frequency) joined the room.12:53:41
22 Oct 2022
@philip_morgan:matrix.org@philip_morgan:matrix.org joined the room.16:21:18
23 Oct 2022
@philip_morgan:matrix.org@philip_morgan:matrix.org left the room.23:26:49
24 Oct 2022
@susanjessy:matrix.orgsusanjessy joined the room.07:19:46
@jkub:matrix.orgJak-Pan | Intergalactic Hydration changed their display name from Jak-Pan | HydraDX.io to Jak-Pan | ooo.07:54:22
25 Oct 2022
@pierre.besson:matrix.parity.ioPierre Besson (deprecated, new contact at @pierre:parity.io) changed their display name from Pierre Besson - ooo to Pierre Besson.07:29:17
@miller_james:matrix.org@miller_james:matrix.org joined the room.14:36:32
1 Nov 2022
@mc_:matrix.orgMC|MCService.io|💥 changed their display name from MC_ to MC|MCService.io|💥.11:50:05
2 Nov 2022
@asociati:matrix.org@asociati:matrix.org left the room.12:22:37
3 Nov 2022
@jkub:matrix.orgJak-Pan | Intergalactic Hydration changed their display name from Jak-Pan | ooo to Jak-Pan | GC | HydraDX | Basilisk.15:03:28

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