
Polkadot Network Status

537 Members
Polkabot is taking care of watching the Polkadot network for you. Be informed as soon as something happens: slow downs, referenda, runtime upgrades, validator in/out, etc...28 Servers

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6 Nov 2022
@miller_james:matrix.org@miller_james:matrix.org left the room.15:49:54
7 Nov 2022
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David to David - sick.07:01:14
@anggaadiputra:matrix.organggaaadiputra.io changed their profile picture.10:38:29
@raul.rtti:matrix.parity.ioraul.rtti changed their display name from raul.rtti to raul.rtti (OOO).21:08:52
9 Nov 2022
@raul.rtti:matrix.parity.ioraul.rtti changed their display name from raul.rtti (OOO) to raul.rtti.08:21:33
10 Nov 2022
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David - sick to David.07:31:17
11 Nov 2022
@anggaadiputra:matrix.organggaaadiputra.io changed their profile picture.01:28:39
15 Nov 2022
@chevdor:matrix.parity.io🚷 -> @chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from Will | Chevdor to Will | Chevdor | oOo.13:00:36
@hamid:matrix.parity.ioHamid -> @hamid:parity.io changed their display name from Hamid to Hamid-OOO Nov 16-18.16:01:04
17 Nov 2022
@graham_o:matrix.org@graham_o:matrix.org joined the room.12:48:12
@graham_o:matrix.org@graham_o:matrix.org set a profile picture.12:57:36
@graham_o:matrix.org@graham_o:matrix.org changed their profile picture.12:59:30
@graham_o:matrix.org@graham_o:matrix.org changed their profile picture.18:41:02
21 Nov 2022
@chevdor:matrix.parity.io🚷 -> @chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from Will | Chevdor | oOo to Will | Chevdor.14:27:15
22 Nov 2022
@kianenigma:matrix.parity.io(DO NOT USE) kianenigma -> @kianenigma:parity.io changed their display name from kianenigma to kianenigma (off - dec 1st).15:25:28
23 Nov 2022
@hamid:matrix.parity.ioHamid -> @hamid:parity.io changed their display name from Hamid-OOO Nov 16-18 to Hamid.08:49:18
@graham_o:matrix.org@graham_o:matrix.org left the room.20:56:36
28 Nov 2022
@chevdor:matrix.parity.io🚷 -> @chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from Will | Chevdor to Will | Chevdor | ooo.10:19:35
1 Dec 2022
@kianenigma:matrix.parity.io(DO NOT USE) kianenigma -> @kianenigma:parity.io changed their display name from kianenigma (off - dec 1st) to kianenigma.17:39:58
2 Dec 2022
@wuminzhe:matrix.orgΛki Wu changed their profile picture.06:13:04
@tomaka17:matrix.parity.io@tomaka17:matrix.parity.io changed their display name from pierre-tomaka (async only, please consider issues instead of DMs) to pierre-tomaka (inactive).13:47:17
@sheila600k:matrix.org@sheila600k:matrix.org joined the room.15:11:47
5 Dec 2022
@sheila600k:matrix.org@sheila600k:matrix.org left the room.01:57:06
@tomaka17:matrix.parity.io@tomaka17:matrix.parity.io left the room.10:31:33
@chevdor:matrix.parity.io🚷 -> @chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from Will | Chevdor | ooo to Will | Chevdor.10:47:36
7 Dec 2022
@gabsies:matrix.orgGabriel | Proof of Chaos changed their display name from Gustav Schmidt to Gabriel Jaeger.08:29:43
@pierre.besson:matrix.parity.ioPierre Besson (deprecated, new contact at @pierre:parity.io) changed their display name from Pierre Besson to Pierre Besson (ooo -> 26 dec).18:14:45
9 Dec 2022
@chevdor:matrix.parity.io🚷 -> @chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from Will | Chevdor to Will | Chevdor | ooo -> 01.2023.15:25:24
10 Dec 2022
@scalperos4:matrix.orgScalperos changed their profile picture.23:53:47
11 Dec 2022
@scalperos4:matrix.orgScalperos changed their profile picture.15:40:21

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