
Polkadot Network Status

537 Members
Polkabot is taking care of watching the Polkadot network for you. Be informed as soon as something happens: slow downs, referenda, runtime upgrades, validator in/out, etc...28 Servers

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12 Jan 2023
@arikan:matrix.orgloremipsum changed their display name from gc to loremipsum.15:00:18
15 Jan 2023
@cable:matrix.org@cable:matrix.org left the room.09:01:53
16 Jan 2023
@seanjohnstontips:matrix.org@seanjohnstontips:matrix.org joined the room.20:55:47
@seanjohnstontips:matrix.org@seanjohnstontips:matrix.org set a profile picture.21:42:41
18 Jan 2023
@seanjohnstontips:matrix.org@seanjohnstontips:matrix.org left the room.05:05:23
20 Jan 2023
@jamesreid:matrix.org@jamesreid:matrix.org joined the room.10:42:39
21 Jan 2023
@julien:matrix.parity.ioDEPRECATED julien changed their display name from julien to DEPRECATED julien.15:45:04
24 Jan 2023
@jamesreid:matrix.org@jamesreid:matrix.org left the room.17:13:40
25 Jan 2023
@kwunyeung:matrix.orgKwun Yeung | Forbole changed their display name from Kwun Yeung | Forbole 😷 to Kwun Yeung | Forbole.14:40:33
26 Jan 2023
@chiptune:matrix.orgmarco { game3 | gamedao | zero } changed their display name from marco | zero.io · gamedao.co to marco | zero network | gamedao.14:25:37
28 Jan 2023
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.09:21:10
@ramin.n.b.:matrix.org@ramin.n.b.:matrix.org left the room.11:38:30
30 Jan 2023
@olivia_adams01:matrix.org@olivia_adams01:matrix.org joined the room.21:08:58
31 Jan 2023
@olivia_adams01:matrix.org@olivia_adams01:matrix.org left the room.09:59:27
2 Feb 2023
@zabuxx:matrix.orgzabuxx set a profile picture.11:41:16
@ph240780:matrix.org@ph240780:matrix.org changed their display name from ph240780 to p247.21:29:16
@ph240780:matrix.org@ph240780:matrix.org left the room.21:49:02
3 Feb 2023
@gavofyork:matrix.parity.ioGav - Inactive; use email instead. changed their display name from Gav to Gav - Inactive; use email instead..09:04:35
@gavofyork:matrix.parity.ioGav - Inactive; use email instead. removed their profile picture.09:05:58
12 Feb 2023
@garyalvarez:matrix.org@garyalvarez:matrix.org joined the room.20:56:22
13 Feb 2023
@jonathanbtc.:matrix.org@jonathanbtc.:matrix.org joined the room.18:39:08
15 Feb 2023
@garyalvarez:matrix.org@garyalvarez:matrix.org left the room.13:41:56
@jonathanbtc.:matrix.org@jonathanbtc.:matrix.org left the room.15:50:14
@regina_hallad:matrix.org@regina_hallad:matrix.org joined the room.17:31:36
21 Feb 2023
@gambo00004:matrix.orgABDULKADIR set a profile picture.16:58:04
22 Feb 2023
@dbpatty:matrix.orgPatrizia | ANAMIX changed their display name from Patrizia De Bella | ANAMIX to Patrizia | ANAMIX.22:40:35
23 Feb 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David to David - OOO Feb 27.19:34:35
24 Feb 2023
@chevdor:parity.io@chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from will | chevdor to will | chevdor > ooo.08:35:36
@fabio:web3.foundation@fabio:web3.foundation changed their display name from Fabio Lama | W3F to Fabio Lama | W3F - OOO u. Mar. 10th.18:10:53
27 Feb 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David - OOO Feb 27 to David - OOO (sick).07:25:37

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