
Polkadot Network Status

537 Members
Polkabot is taking care of watching the Polkadot network for you. Be informed as soon as something happens: slow downs, referenda, runtime upgrades, validator in/out, etc...28 Servers

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28 Feb 2023
@chevdor:parity.io@chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from will | chevdor > ooo to will | chevdor.08:06:24
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David - OOO (sick) to David.08:15:34
2 Mar 2023
@timbotronic:matrix.orgtimbotronic set a profile picture.23:31:32
4 Mar 2023
@sabihaq420:matrix.org@sabihaq420:matrix.org joined the room.13:07:29
6 Mar 2023
@wuminzhe:matrix.orgΛki Wu changed their display name from Aki Wu to Λki Wu.01:55:02
10 Mar 2023
@chevdor:parity.io@chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from will | chevdor to will | chevdor | OoO 12.4.14:42:18
12 Mar 2023
@gabsies:matrix.orgGabriel | Proof of Chaos changed their display name from Gabriel Jaeger to Gabriel | Proof of Chaos.13:13:31
13 Mar 2023
@fabio:web3.foundation@fabio:web3.foundation changed their display name from Fabio Lama | W3F - OOO u. Mar. 10th to Fabio Lama | W3F.08:50:16
@rlaferla:matrix.orgRobert La Ferla (Frequency) changed their display name from rlaferla to Robert La Ferla (Frequency).19:36:10
14 Mar 2023
@dshivaay23:matrix.orgDivyank Rai joined the room.06:04:16
17 Mar 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David to David - OOO (sick).06:11:21
19 Mar 2023
@mulciber777:matrix.orgmulciber777 joined the room.18:35:53
22 Mar 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David - OOO (sick) to David | W3F.08:09:31
26 Mar 2023
@sabihaq420:matrix.org@sabihaq420:matrix.org left the room.12:06:13
@beate:server.matrix4ulm.de@beate:server.matrix4ulm.de removed their display name beate.18:54:31
@beate:server.matrix4ulm.de@beate:server.matrix4ulm.de left the room.18:54:34
27 Mar 2023
@metakosmia:matrix.parity.iowill ( deprecated -> use @metakosmia:parity.io ) changed their display name from will to will ( deprecated -> use @metakosmia:parity.io ).10:58:22
28 Mar 2023
@regina_hallad:matrix.org@regina_hallad:matrix.org left the room.14:46:00
31 Mar 2023
@shawntabrizi:matrix.parity.io@shawntabrizi:matrix.parity.io left the room.09:46:07
@fabio:web3.foundation@fabio:web3.foundation left the room.13:07:22
3 Apr 2023
@metakosmia:matrix.parity.iowill ( deprecated -> use @metakosmia:parity.io ) invited @metakosmia:parity.io@metakosmia:parity.io.20:11:25
@metakosmia:parity.io@metakosmia:parity.io joined the room.22:37:40
6 Apr 2023
@gambo00004:matrix.orgABDULKADIR changed their display name from Abdulkadir Ibrahim to Gambo.03:00:04
@gambo00004:matrix.orgABDULKADIR changed their display name from Gambo to ABDULKADIR.03:08:24
@sehun:matrix.org@sehun:matrix.org joined the room.05:19:09
7 Apr 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO Apr 13.07:53:22
9 Apr 2023
@bigpacu:matrix.org@bigpacu:matrix.org joined the room.14:06:15
@bigpacu:matrix.org@bigpacu:matrix.org left the room.16:40:05
12 Apr 2023
@zzaaiinn:matrix.orgZed joined the room.05:44:36
@chevdor:parity.io@chevdor:parity.io changed their display name from will | chevdor | OoO 12.4 to will | chevdor.06:05:46

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