
Polkadot Network Status

537 Members
Polkabot is taking care of watching the Polkadot network for you. Be informed as soon as something happens: slow downs, referenda, runtime upgrades, validator in/out, etc...28 Servers

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12 Apr 2023
@charlottewills1:matrix.orgcharlottewills1 joined the room.06:42:29
13 Apr 2023
@sehun:matrix.org@sehun:matrix.org left the room.01:30:46
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO Apr 13 to David | W3F.07:31:34
19 Apr 2023
@rishabhnatarajan:matrix.orgRishabh Natarajan joined the room.06:03:44
20 Apr 2023
@mrjt:matrix.org@mrjt:matrix.org joined the room.12:20:33
21 Apr 2023
@mrjt:matrix.org@mrjt:matrix.org left the room.08:53:26
22 Apr 2023
@derina5418:matrix.orgderina chan joined the room.12:04:25
27 Apr 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO May 2.20:16:47
28 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.21:48:39
2 May 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO May 2 to David | W3F.07:25:03
5 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.15:37:58
11 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.16:47:50
12 May 2023
@alistair:web3.foundationAlistair changed their display name from Alistair to Alistair (eloping until Wed).08:06:40
16 May 2023
@jkub:matrix.orgJak-Pan | Intergalactic Hydration changed their display name from Jak-Pan | GC | HydraDX | Basilisk to Jak-Pan | GC | ooo.14:30:02
17 May 2023
@alistair:web3.foundationAlistair changed their display name from Alistair (eloping until Wed) to Alistair.09:15:45
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.21:45:53
25 May 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO May 30.17:46:43
26 May 2023
@zeteticvalidator:matrix.org@zeteticvalidator:matrix.org left the room.03:58:13
30 May 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO May 30 to David | W3F.06:27:09
2 Jun 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO June 12.19:00:56
6 Jun 2023
@archive:matrix.org@archive:matrix.org joined the room.18:02:34
12 Jun 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO June 12 to David.06:17:58
13 Jun 2023
@jkub:matrix.orgJak-Pan | Intergalactic Hydration changed their display name from Jak-Pan | GC | ooo to Jak-Pan | GC.10:26:48
15 Jun 2023
@thelastknown:matrix.orgFardeen Khan joined the room.11:09:50
19 Jun 2023
@chiptune:matrix.orgmarco { game3 | gamedao | zero } changed their profile picture.09:07:26
22 Jun 2023
@archive:matrix.org@archive:matrix.org set their display name to archive.matrix.org/faq.05:31:02
24 Jun 2023
@aleque:community.rsaleque joined the room.01:10:41
@chiptune:matrix.orgmarco { game3 | gamedao | zero } changed their profile picture.21:19:57
27 Jun 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David to David | W3F - @Decoded.08:34:58
3 Jul 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - @Decoded to David | W3F.06:08:43

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