
Kava Validators

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6 Oct 2018
@toks:matrix.orgtoksERROR: unknown command "init-testnet" for "kvd"05:32:25
@toks:matrix.orgtoksLast time we did: kvd init --name toks --chain-id kava-test-205:32:52
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidh Could you tell me what commit you're on (git show) and what version is installed (kvd version)? 18:26:38
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidh I added the new command init-testnet to tidy up the flow of setting up on a new testnet. 18:28:58
7 Oct 2018

kava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$ git show
commit 8c9406cd35338433a71668b7f5226cd27423ca2e (HEAD)
Merge: 2b03b2e 60d5a03
Author: Ruaridh rhuairahrighairidh@users.noreply.github.com
Date: Mon Sep 3 16:41:01 2018 -0400

Merge pull request #1 from Kava-Labs/add-payment-channels

Add payment channels

kava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$ kvd version

@toks:matrix.orgtoksThis won't work:03:34:16
@toks:matrix.orgtokscd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava git pull03:34:16
@toks:matrix.orgtoksYou are not currently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with.03:34:30
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidh ah right, If you run git checkout master then git pull then reinstall that should work.
Sorry about that, the previous instructions left git pointing at a specific commit, which doesn't let you pull in new code. I've been going back and forth a bit on the what versioning scheme to use.
@toks:matrix.orgtokskava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$ rm -r /home/kava/.kvcli/ kava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$ rm -r /home/kava/.kvd03:40:52
@toks:matrix.orgtokskava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$ git checkout master M Gopkg.lock Already on 'master' Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 38 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) kava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$ git pull Updating 74ddb2e..2a73328 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: Gopkg.lock Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting kava@Kava:~/go/src/github.com/kava-labs/kava$03:41:15
@toks:matrix.orgtoksI proceeded with go install, but still not working..03:42:22
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidh ah, git didn't pull because there was changes to Gopkg.lock from the install. Try running git checkout . to discard the changes then git pull again to get the updated version. 04:07:46
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidh to check what exact version you're on you can run git show it should print somewhere commit 2a73328a0f4fb7c32ac9d9f1ce7e352a7a8ff01a 04:10:51
@toks:matrix.orgtoksERROR: No account with address kaccaddr1yml49sj7eufzkrl9hrcea5ysmym4xmyw9u0mf5 was found in the state.05:23:36
@toks:matrix.orgtoksI sent tokens to that address via the faucet05:23:49
@toks:matrix.orgtokskava@Kava:~$ kvcli keys list NAME: TYPE: ADDRESS: PUBKEY: toks local kaccaddr1yml49sj7eufzkrl9hrcea5ysmym4xmyw9u0mf5 kaccpub1addwnpepqgpxx039jch4aygrh3yjalrh8nhvj4zmup6q9gurxsynxpf6dcjpg4hkkfd kava@Kava:~$05:24:29
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidhWas that an error from the faucet?06:02:13
@toks:matrix.orgtoksnope, error after running create validator06:17:53
@toks:matrix.orgtokskava@Kava:~$ kvcli stake create-validator --amount 900KVA --pubkey kvalpub1zcjduepqljrjc8nglq44p68jexlu3llda2zhf5zmh29tgfhk2l423uc9lgtqj7csmc --moniker "toks" --from toks --gas 1000000 ERROR: No account with address kaccaddr1yml49sj7eufzkrl9hrcea5ysmym4xmyw9u0mf5 was found in the state. Are you sure there has been a transaction involving it? kava@Kava:~$06:49:01
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidhI'm guessing what happened was that your node wasn't fully synced with the blockchain when you ran that command. Try just running the create-validator command again.23:41:47
@rhuairahrighairidh:matrix.orgrhuairahrighairidhOn my machine syncing took about 12 minutes23:42:11
8 Oct 2018
@toks:matrix.orgtoksmakes sense04:47:10
@toks:matrix.orgtoksis there a block explorer I can check up to date height at?04:47:19
@toks:matrix.orgtoksI had been running a validator on the older node so assumed I would be synced up04:47:42
@toks:matrix.orgtoksstill running into some issues, will feedback shortly05:06:50
@toks:matrix.orgtoksERROR: Ciphertext decryption failed06:56:25
@toks:matrix.orgtoksgot this twice on create-validator command06:56:31

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