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4 Nov 2024
@dotsh:meowing.shdotshThe design cost of having such small uOLED screens is that your lenses need to magnify more19:38:19
@_discord_bot:ckie.dev_discord_bot invited @_discord_373620927402868736:ckie.devcasas7#0.19:42:26
@_discord_373620927402868736:ckie.devcasas7#0 joined the room.19:42:27
@_discord_373620927402868736:ckie.devcasas7#0 Hi, guys I need help with connecting quest 2 to Linux (kubuntu) 19:42:27
@_discord_373620927402868736:ckie.devcasas7#0 I tried both alvr and wivrn, and nothing works 19:42:41
@_discord_373620927402868736:ckie.devcasas7#0 And what sucks is that I dont know how to reset the system,so u I stalled something or changed the setting, it messed up withe entire system, then I had to reinstall the Linux, it's so inefficient 19:43:58
@_discord_474072067931766784:ckie.devkazii_the_avali#0 is there a way to change them away from actuonset? 21:08:03
@_discord_207586963665059840:ckie.devgalister#0 not without rewriting the game 21:08:33
@_discord_474072067931766784:ckie.devkazii_the_avali#0 ah 21:08:38
@_discord_474072067931766784:ckie.devkazii_the_avali#0 then why is it not happen with vive controllers. 21:11:05
@klrtk:fawx.newsOrion ⎇ changed their profile picture.21:12:22
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 is there anything like virtual desktop for just accessing your desktop from a standalone headset? 21:28:17
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 * is there any linux programs like virtual desktop for just accessing your desktop from a standalone headset? 21:28:28
@_discord_192734772747960321:ckie.devducky_vrc immersed maybe 21:34:57
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 oh god they have an appimage 21:35:55
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 😭 21:35:57
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 I was hoping they didnt have support because either way, i really really really do not want to touch immersed 21:36:12
@_discord_192734772747960321:ckie.devducky_vrc is immersed bad? 21:37:56
@_discord_bot:ckie.dev_discord_bot invited @_discord_980228722454069258:ckie.devalt_rchy#0.21:38:13
@_discord_980228722454069258:ckie.devalt_rchy#0 joined the room.21:38:13
@_discord_980228722454069258:ckie.devalt_rchy#0 meow 21:38:13
In reply to @_discord_192734772747960321:ckie.dev
is immersed bad?
Account required for software that shouldnt even need an internet connection
@_discord_192734772747960321:ckie.devducky_vrc hmm that's fair 21:39:08
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 Not only that 21:39:43
@_discord_1252971986490228736:ckie.devpwlsecutter i like your profile picture 21:39:51
@_discord_283108542842667008:ckie.devjodie.blend#0 They have a subscription model 21:39:52
@_discord_192734772747960321:ckie.devducky_vrc it would be nice if it was FOSS but I don't really mind when companies try to make money out of their work 21:41:31
@_discord_192734772747960321:ckie.devducky_vrc the free version is pretty capable 21:41:44
@_discord_714925638783336449:ckie.devhaskeller wlxoverlay 21:41:51
@_discord_980228722454069258:ckie.devalt_rchy#0 you should see my main acc one then 21:42:11

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