
Open Ethereum

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9 Apr 2020
@_discord_406709249352269824:t2bot.iogavsi or I'm safe to switch to 2.7.2 08:38:26
@_discord_557201004060213248:t2bot.ioq9f maybe upgrade one node of your private network to 2.7.2 to test everything you need 09:01:49
@_discord_557201004060213248:t2bot.ioq9f 2.7.2 is fairly stable 09:02:04
@_discord_557201004060213248:t2bot.ioq9f 2.5.13 is no longer supported but should work still 09:02:15
@_discord_557201004060213248:t2bot.ioq9f soon there will be a 3.0.0 release 09:02:24
@_discord_406709249352269824:t2bot.iogavsi q9f thx 09:04:32
@kairo:mozilla.orgKaiRohave been running 2.7.2 on Ropsten and Mainnet nodes ever since it was released and it works at least as well as 2.5.x did11:33:52
@_discord_626146507485085737:t2bot.ioronin.remote nice to hear @KaiRo 18:50:32
@kairo:mozilla.orgKaiRothe only things that has some issues is the light node I also run, but that's that way on any version, and has been for a long time20:02:25
10 Apr 2020
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_339773529186631680:t2bot.io@_discord_339773529186631680:t2bot.io.09:34:21
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_312027877149245441:t2bot.io@_discord_312027877149245441:t2bot.io.22:51:23
@_discord_288854053050384404:t2bot.iokeats joined the room.23:02:17
@_discord_288854053050384404:t2bot.iokeats changed their display name from keats to Keats#3680.23:02:57
@_discord_288854053050384404:t2bot.iokeats changed their display name from Keats#3680 to keats.23:03:02
11 Apr 2020
@_discord_525156667759919104:t2bot.ioSerge changed their display name from Serge to Serge#0241.20:00:05
@_discord_525156667759919104:t2bot.ioSerge changed their display name from Serge#0241 to Serge.20:00:23
12 Apr 2020
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_698747276289507409:t2bot.io@_discord_698747276289507409:t2bot.io.04:12:41
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_573186274932817937:t2bot.ioandreas#0482.04:16:08
@_discord_690243998153310306:t2bot.ioAegon joined the room.17:46:10
@_discord_626146507485085737:t2bot.ioronin.remote testing around with a beta 21:49:53
@_discord_626146507485085737:t2bot.ioronin.remote openethereum-dp-fix-dont-panic-when-empty_steps_transition_is_in_the_past 21:52:03
13 Apr 2020
@_discord_626146507485085737:t2bot.ioronin.remote results: 12 hours running,
no drops nor probs, restarted and resynced and
since even 6 hours more,
no trouble so far
Download unknown.png
14 Apr 2020
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_291949720551686144:t2bot.io@_discord_291949720551686144:t2bot.io.08:02:58
@_discord_488058316606406666:t2bot.ioordian Reposting links from the chat here:
11:46:47     From Andronik : https://blog.ethereum.org/2019/07/10/geth-v1-9-0/
11:50:52     From Andronik : https://github.com/openethereum/openethereum/issues/10933
11:53:55     From Andronik : Is it related to https://github.com/openethereum/openethereum/pull/10923?
12:08:57     From Andronik : Paritytech's Telegram channel: https://t.me/parity_technologies
12:21:54     From Andronik : https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/parity-ethereum/
@_discord_695692616456470630:t2bot.iorezola Hi has anyone here tried to sync an archive tracing-on node? Is it even possible in les than 6 months, or ever? Never got faster than 1 blks/s after passing block height 5 million. 20:55:17
@_discord_114441203763773445:t2bot.iodvdplm We synced one last fall, took ~3 months or so, using beefy hardware. 22:15:31
@_discord_114441203763773445:t2bot.iodvdplm (although I'm not sure it was archive + tracing tbh, maybe only archive) 22:15:58
In reply to @_discord_695692616456470630:t2bot.io
Hi has anyone here tried to sync an archive tracing-on node? Is it even possible in les than 6 months, or ever? Never got faster than 1 blks/s after passing block height 5 million.
It is possible, the main limit is your disk speed. If you use a good (and really large) SSD, you can probably do it in 2-3 weeks
@kairo:mozilla.orgKaiRowe synced one last year, and I think it was in that order, tracing-on, fat-db, archive, all the fun stuff22:32:36

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