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29 May 2024
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjI started gathering documentation before I started development, about a year ago, and downloaded the librecube bus specification from you (a spreadsheet in gdocs). I've just realised that you've changed it18:00:56
Download librecube_old_vs_new.png
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjIn some areas, there's been a regression in redundancy and compatibility with some COTS and other open source projects (specially the CAN B placement). I'm not criticising, I'm just wondering why this change was made.18:09:06
In reply to @artur.librecube:matrix.org
sent a file.
Also a note: in this file the KS and RBF pins are allocated, but not in the screenshot
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmj(Sorry to bring back that old thread!)18:12:36
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholz Hello dpmj , thanks for looking into this. The spreadsheet you are refering to may be outdated. The latest definition is in the online docs (https://librecube.gitlab.io/standards/board_specification/#electrical-specification) and in the LibreCube template board (https://gitlab.com/librecube/templates_and_tools/librecube-board) 19:50:52
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzPlease have a look if that definition makes more sense. If there is any point (or pin) to be discussed, please post it here. Thanks!19:51:35
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholz * Hello Juan dpmj , thanks for looking into this. The spreadsheet you are refering to may be outdated. The latest definition is in the online docs (https://librecube.gitlab.io/standards/board_specification/#electrical-specification) and in the LibreCube template board (https://gitlab.com/librecube/templates_and_tools/librecube-board) 20:01:59
30 May 2024
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtRedacted or Malformed Event06:18:20
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtRedacted or Malformed Event06:22:51
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholz Ok, noted cajt . As long as you do not come up with an alternative design or concrete change wishes, and only say that the current design is wrong, it's really not much help, though. 10:44:53
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtRedacted or Malformed Event10:59:59
@cajt:matrix.orgcajt... but okay11:00:56
31 May 2024
@jan-peter:matrix.orgJan-PeterI just wanted to drop by and say, that I love the project and truly support it!11:49:30
@jan-peter:matrix.orgJan-PeterI was at a conference the past week and I was missing a physical showcase for my CubeSat system generator.11:50:02
@jan-peter:matrix.orgJan-PeterSo I will bring a LibreCube CubeSat to every vonference in the future to demonstrate my research and to promote LibreCube11:50:42
3 Jun 2024
In reply to @artur.librecube:matrix.org
Please have a look if that definition makes more sense. If there is any point (or pin) to be discussed, please post it here. Thanks!
Thanks to you!
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjThe definition you attach is the same I labelled "librecube new" in my screenshot of the pinout i sent earlier (for comparison with the "old" one)07:39:18
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjMy question was whether there is a compelling reason after changing the pinout.07:45:38
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjIt's simply that i'm making the decision on how to allocate each pin and why07:46:23
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjFor example, before, the spaceCAN bus had "dual" redundancy: two independent buses and each CAN signal had two assigned pins. Now, there's only one pin per CAN signal and CAN B is placed on H1 rather than H2.07:49:08
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjBy the way, i would like to ask what's the funcion of the LCL pins. Is it LCL for Latch Current Limiter? And if so, how should i use the ENA_LCL_i and LCL_i?08:02:53
In reply to @artur.librecube:matrix.org
Ok, noted cajt . As long as you do not come up with an alternative design or concrete change wishes, and only say that the current design is wrong, it's really not much help, though.
And yes... We could argue all day about how bad the pc104 cubesat bus is...
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmjThere have been attempts to promote other connectors, but for now we have to live with it.08:07:00
@transzeon:matrix.orgKAI JUN GUO joined the room.12:15:51
@transzeon:matrix.orgKAI JUN GUOHi,good to meet u,guys!It's my first time to access in LibreCube community.I've read the document of LibreCube today.Hope everyone enjoy your time in the LibreCube community!12:22:11
@xbiolab:matrix.orgAction Win joined the room.12:30:31
In reply to @transzeon:matrix.org
Hi,good to meet u,guys!It's my first time to access in LibreCube community.I've read the document of LibreCube today.Hope everyone enjoy your time in the LibreCube community!
Hello 👋
@transzeon:matrix.orgKAI JUN GUOHi,bro!😆12:33:26

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