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open source space and earth exploration: https://librecube.org/31 Servers

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1 May 2024
@kedyi:matrix.orgKomalDear LibreCube Initiative Team, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for selecting my proposal(From Simulation to Reality). It has been an incredible journey with LibreCube over the past year, and I have learned a tremendous amount from each of you. Thank you very much for your constant support. I am truly excited about the learning experience this journey will provide. Komal19:04:39
@saigenix:matrix.orgSai mHello mentors, Thank you for choosing me for the Blockly to Pluto script project. It's a wonderful opportunity, and I'm genuinely thrilled to start this journey of contributing to open source with the LibreCube Initiative. I'm looking forward to collaborating with the team, learning new skills, and making meaningful contributions to the project. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity.19:17:55
@faithtng:matrix.orgfaithtng set a profile picture.19:29:27

Hey all, I’m Faith, glad to meet everyone here! Just got the announcement that I’d be working on implementing a working prototype of the USLP protocol and I’m excited to start :) thanks for selecting my proposal.

As a brief intro: I am a MSc candidate in Space Engineering and used to work for 6 years in the commercial space sector. I am also a hackathon enthusiast who has progressed to finalist/semifinalist stages for 4 space competitions, and am the Science Lead for the TU BEARS student rover.

One of my biggest motivators is being around passionate space people/teams, so I’m very much looking forward to getting to know the community💚 Cheers 🤘🏻

@redsharpbyte:matrix.orgRed Dear Fellows of space exploration this is fantastic !
For organizers there is a part of surprise too because we never know how much GSoC is going to support.
This is pretty exceptional ! Husseinat Etti-Balogun Artur Scholz well done for everything !
3 May 2024

I request admins to review and merge this MR to the pluto to pdf project:


Contains Several bug fixes and improvements, all the changes have been tested locally and found to be working nicely.

Detailed description of all the changes are included in the merge request :)

5 May 2024
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtAre there open-source compatible ways to deal with reliability requirements and/op standards?07:57:43
@cajt:matrix.orgcajt * Are there open-source compatible ways to deal with reliability requirements and/or standards?07:58:03
6 May 2024
@vramanrs:matrix.orgvramanrs joined the room.05:24:46
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholz cajt: With "ways" to do you mean "tools"? If so, whenever I look for an open source tool, I hit this site, enter a common industrial software package, and filter for open source alternatives. For example, alternatives to IBM DOORS: https://alternativeto.net/software/ibm-rational-doors/?license=opensource 11:59:33
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzIs it really just now that I realize that beagleboard is a better alternative to Raspi, as it is completely open source!?! ... ordering one right now...12:10:43
@redsharpbyte:matrix.orgRedhaha it is never too late 😄12:22:17
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtWell wel, if it should be open why not risc-v on a fpga with an open toolchain?15:52:43
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholz
In reply to @cajt:matrix.org
Well wel, if it should be open why not risc-v on a fpga with an open toolchain?
you mean, like this one: https://www.beagleboard.org/boards/beaglev-fire ? 😃
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtOhh, that is moderately cheap and available 15:58:56
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtWas thinking more along the lines of Lattice SOI FPGA, some RAM and some SoC from the migen/liteX domain16:01:51
@cajt:matrix.orgcajt Artur Scholz: is that the one you ordered? 16:24:31
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtBut no built-in JTAG adapter, well maybe it's not needed 17:48:24
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtand the schematics and PCB design files are some propretairy CAD17:54:02
7 May 2024
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtOne might redesign it in a libre CAD, and smash two into that pseudo PC104 format. Add some voting for primitive IOs and message level network access, would be a nice product. Could be uncritical cheap one of two, or a two of two configuration for a bit more reliability. B5F could remain the development plattform. 10:45:37
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtNot completely sure about the LPDDR4 routing, but I wouldn't be too surprised if someone pulls off a 6-layer PCB despite its presence. 10:47:23
9 May 2024
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholz@room Anyone interested in getting hands dirty with PCB design (using KiCAD)? Here is the task: Add support for dual CAN bus to the raspi proto board. Find more details here: https://66222-44717.pph-server.de/projects/developments/work_packages/103/activity19:58:44
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtthat is adding two mcp2515 or mcp2518, and connect it to the rpi?20:28:55
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzYes, the mcp2518. Like here: https://files.seeedstudio.com/wiki/CAN-BUS-FD/CAN-BUS(FD)-HAT-for-Raspberry-Pi_MCP2518FD_SCH.pdf 20:35:30
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzRemember, this started out from here (https://fosstodon.org/@librecube/110504810282379569) where we wanted to mount a pyboard on a LibreCube template board for easy prototyping. Now we have such board for Raspi (dual CAN to be added), and yet another project is to create one for beaglebone: https://66222-44717.pph-server.de/projects/developments/work_packages/104/activity20:45:23
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtohh, an old BBB? that is rather slow by todays standards of popular embedded linux boards20:47:14
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzGood enough for our purposes.20:52:55
@cajt:matrix.orgcajtno debian, git client and test frame work on-board?20:54:13
@cajt:matrix.orgcajt * no debian, git client and test framework on-board?20:54:25

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