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open source space exploration: https://librecube.org/30 Servers

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10 Sep 2024
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur Scholzhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBQAHeVyy-c17:36:36
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzStarting at 2h35min ... They managed to get the audio totally screwed up. 17:37:21
@balotofi:matrix.orgHusseinat Etti-Balogun
In reply to @artur.librecube:matrix.org
Thanks for sharing šŸ˜
@saigenix:matrix.orgSai m
In reply to @artur.librecube:matrix.org
Awesome āœØšŸ”„
@redsharpbyte:matrix.orgRedHai aih! So niiice sunny weather / cuberovers on the grass, fantastic! Yeh we see he gets a new mic with new batteries afterwards. So librecube on ERC!19:28:29
11 Sep 2024
@redsharpbyte:matrix.orgRedSo I'll seriously prepare the open source space conference - several triggers in the last week that pushed me; we are all missing the OSCW. And when I see New Space evolving with the motivation for patents and proprietary inventions, I don't know where humanity is going.07:56:58
@balotofi:matrix.orgHusseinat Etti-Balogun
In reply to @redsharpbyte:matrix.org
So I'll seriously prepare the open source space conference - several triggers in the last week that pushed me; we are all missing the OSCW. And when I see New Space evolving with the motivation for patents and proprietary inventions, I don't know where humanity is going.
Iā€™d love to be a part of that
@redsharpbyte:matrix.orgRedAnd yes I did it ! Paid my first membership to Librecube... it feels good! 20:34:39
Download librecube-myfee.png

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12 Sep 2024
@artur.librecube:matrix.orgArtur ScholzJust to clarify: LibreCube is registered as non-profit organization since June (https://www.handelsregister.de/rp_web/welcome.xhtml), you can support it financially in two ways: Membership fees and donations. Both is totally optional and not mandatory to be part of the LibreCube community (where the most valuable part is your work contribution to the projects). In both cases, please first write to info@librecube.org to learn more about financial supporting, if you are interested.07:42:19
@redsharpbyte:matrix.orgRedAh thanks for the info Artur! Good morning all!07:53:52
@dariusz.mikolajczuk:matrix.orgdariusz.mikolajczuk joined the room.11:13:34
13 Sep 2024
@jan-peter:matrix.orgJan-Peter Welcome dariusz.mikolajczuk
If i am not mistaken, we talked at ERC last weekend and you helped me find a srew šŸ˜„
@dariusz.mikolajczuk:matrix.orgdariusz.mikolajczuk Hi @jan-peter:matrix.org: , good morning everyone, thank You, yeah that was me ;) We had a great talk and we found it! The screw at least šŸ™‚ And how is Your rover doing? 06:21:53
@jan-peter:matrix.orgJan-PeterWe managed to get home safely. šŸ˜Š13:40:07
@jan-peter:matrix.orgJan-PeterCan you maybe inform the LibreCube team also, who you are and why you think that LibreCube is an interesting initiative?13:40:43

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