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5 Feb 2021
@nightwingman:matrix.orglost one left the room.07:55:41
6 Feb 2021
@mightysaurus:matrix.orgmightysaurus left the room.08:08:31
@vpalmisano:matrix.orgvpalmisano joined the room.11:04:17
@5t3v0:matrix.org5t3v0 joined the room.16:30:27
7 Feb 2021
@ayan_:matrix.orgAyanW joined the room.04:14:18
8 Feb 2021
@elsif:matrix.orgelsif joined the room.05:46:54
@elsif:matrix.orgelsif left the room.05:48:55
@r.ossig:matrix.orgr.ossig joined the room.19:54:31
9 Feb 2021
@numinous_:matrix.orgnuminous_ joined the room.05:21:35
10 Feb 2021
@sidntrivedi012:matrix.orgsidntrivedi joined the room.13:46:29
@sidntrivedi012:matrix.orgsidntrivedi left the room.13:47:12
@anderjackie:matrix.organderjackie left the room.17:06:12
11 Feb 2021
@joeybronzoni:matrix.orgjoeybronzoni joined the room.22:54:53
14 Feb 2021
@binyam.in:matrix.orgBinyamin Green left the room.02:32:03
@djkalbert:matrix.org@djkalbert:matrix.org joined the room.03:59:22
@alfredb:matrix.orgalfredb left the room.08:29:40
15 Feb 2021
@raguay:matrix.orgraguay joined the room.03:12:24
16 Feb 2021
@beatrix:nltrix.netbeatrix 08:01:51
@beatrix:nltrix.netbeatrix removed their display name beatrix.08:02:49
@beatrix:nltrix.netbeatrix left the room.09:52:43
18 Feb 2021
@felipefdl:matrix.orgfelipefdl joined the room.15:45:28
@smallsamurai:matrix.orgsmallsamurai joined the room.16:14:12
20 Feb 2021
@marquicodes:matrix.orgkyriakos joined the room.16:59:27
@makoto2600:matrix.orgmakoto2600 joined the room.17:01:50
21 Feb 2021
@neil.hubertprice:matrix.orgneil.hubertprice left the room.21:47:33
22 Feb 2021
@whyhankee:matrix.orgwhyhankee left the room.06:17:51
@marquicodes:matrix.orgkyriakos changed their display name from marquicodes to kyriakos.08:56:37
@marquicodes:matrix.orgkyriakos set a profile picture.08:59:52
@eventcheck:matrix.orgeventcheck joined the room.09:36:44
@jackssss:matrix.orgJohn Devs Smith joined the room.10:27:05

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