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12 Apr 2024
In reply to @clover:ironrobin.net
What kind of difficulties do you think there would be? Can't be worse than samsara can it? šŸ˜†
Depends, there is things like the initial awakening but doesn't seem to be full realisation. Like an intermediate place. And a person who has awakened can still be struggling to integrate, or be captured periodically in thought identification or find themselves dissociated, now in a different way
In reply to @digitaldog:matrix.org
Depends, there is things like the initial awakening but doesn't seem to be full realisation. Like an intermediate place. And a person who has awakened can still be struggling to integrate, or be captured periodically in thought identification or find themselves dissociated, now in a different way
Are you thinking of the challenges some practitioners of for instance kandulini yoga has suffered from?
@digitaldog:matrix.orgdigitaldogim not that familiar with kundalini yoga šŸ˜…18:53:51
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn Maitrī I forget where you are from again? 18:53:59
In reply to @digitaldog:matrix.org
im not that familiar with kundalini yoga šŸ˜…
I'm probably spelling it worse than auto incorrect ....
In reply to @digitaldog:matrix.org
im not that familiar with kundalini yoga šŸ˜…
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. RobinsonKundalini Yoga was one of the earliest forms of Tantra that I studied and yes it can be dangerous but not necessarily so it depends a lot on the teacher and how they teach.19:02:39
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. RobinsonIt should be pointed out though that Kundalini Yoga is Hinduism and that Buddhism has a different form of Tantra.19:03:19
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. RobinsonAlan Watts said something of Interest here which is that insanity is the occupational hazard of the Mystic.19:04:02
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtnMany teachers, esp. in the west, doesn't teach it the traditional way, and they add a lot of stuff like colours, posters etc.19:04:22
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtnWhich is both good and bad. Some of it can actually be helpful for some, but it is not always like that.19:05:37
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinson Mrtn: that is true and unfortunately there are a lot of people in the West that use Tantra as an excuse for otherwise questionable Behavior. 19:05:48
In reply to @mrtnmrtn:matrix.org
Maitrī I forget where you are from again?
I'm from and currently located in Houston
In reply to @clover:ironrobin.net
I'm from and currently located in Houston
Ah ok. You must have figured out I was joking then.
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinson Maitrī: you should really come back to Bloomington. I would love to have you as a neighbor 19:06:41
In reply to @mrtnmrtn:matrix.org
Ah ok. You must have figured out I was joking then.
Of course lol
In reply to @clover:ironrobin.net
Of course lol
I really want 20 times as much, for cheap women.
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtnOk, I pulled this joke as far as it can go.19:07:37
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīA good tantra student will take the sutra vows just as seriously if not more 19:08:00
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn Maitrī at any rate, I apologise for my primitive joke. Sometimes I cannot help myself it seems. 19:09:15
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrÄ«The great Tibetan Guru Padmasambhava said, ā€œThough the view should be as vast as the sky, keep your conduct as fine as barley flour.ā€19:10:27
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīThe three yanas, theravada, mahayana, and vajrayana (tantra) are not distinct and separate paths but encapsulate each other like Russian dolls 19:17:01
In reply to @digitaldog:matrix.org
Depends, there is things like the initial awakening but doesn't seem to be full realisation. Like an intermediate place. And a person who has awakened can still be struggling to integrate, or be captured periodically in thought identification or find themselves dissociated, now in a different way
Tibetans have a word for intermediate place. It's called the Bardo. And it's typically used to describe what the mind experiences between death and the next rebirth. It's usually described as a confusing and scary place if you don't know what you are doing. Basically that everything you see is made of self-arising, self-energy.
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@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīBasically that everything you see is your karmic appearance, which is dependant arising, which implies emptiness 19:41:28
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīOnce you have fully realized emptiness your bonds are cut19:44:02
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīThat's the wisdom wing, the other wing being compassion 19:46:04
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīCompassionate activity is valid because it reflects reality which is that self and other don't exist independently 19:47:52
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīCompassion is actually all you need really. Realizing emptiness is actually the optional wing and will come along with realizing bodhicitta anyway 19:53:50

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