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12 Apr 2024
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@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīis that Hakuin Ekaku or Dr. Robinson? 😄20:18:56
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinson
In reply to @clover:ironrobin.net
is that Hakuin Ekaku or Dr. Robinson? 😄
No difference for there is no separation and no duality for all is indra's net.
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrī digitaldog: i realize i didn't directly address your question but i hope that what i said help you at all in asking the difficulties when on the path to awakening or post inital-awakening? in any case, let me know 20:28:53
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrī * digitaldog: i realize i didn't directly address your question but i hope that what i said helped you at all in asking the difficulties when on the path to awakening or post inital-awakening? in any case, let me know 20:31:29
@digitaldog:matrix.orgdigitaldogWas just wondering if someone here had a spontaneous awakening they don't mind discussing20:37:13
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīare you buddhist?20:39:33
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīah ok. so its just intellectual curiosity? 20:42:37
@digitaldog:matrix.orgdigitaldogTrying to relate my own experience and see if ppl went through the same20:43:10
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīwhat was your experience? 20:43:58
@clover:ironrobin.netMaitrīRedacted or Malformed Event20:56:06
13 Apr 2024
@marzio.f:matrix.orgMarzio.f changed their display name from marzio.f to Marzio.f.08:55:39
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinsonhttps://matrix.to/#/!oUbZruAETJxmyqNOlN:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=mozilla.org&via=ironrobin.net15:36:13
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. RobinsonThe Bodhisattva Studio is for applied Dharma practice related to compassionate service for the benefit of others. The Buddhism room is for Dharma studies and so discussions of theory is in this room whereas the studio augments that as a discussion of how to apply the Dharma for the benefit of others. This is only a general guideline and there's obviously going to be significant overlap between theory and practice.15:38:49

Did the digital dog leave, or just stop "barking" ?

@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinsondog-food-meditating-dog-small-274571.jpg
Download dog-food-meditating-dog-small-274571.jpg
@dzokchen:matrix.orgdzokchenHappy Thai/Lao & Nepali New Year 19:31:06
In reply to digitaldog

Ahh, you're still here. You never answered Maitrī so I wondered if you were MIA.

14 Apr 2024
@dzokchen:matrix.orgdzokchenOne of my teachers explained sudden/gradual enlightenment this way: They are all gradual but some may appear to be sudden. Take for example an archery target that is made of numerous levels of felt. For someone with less strength, it may take some time to develop the strength and aim to shoot an arrow so that it goes first few times through only one or two layers of felt. For someone else, they may have the strength and aim to shoot one arrow that pierces all the layers of felt with one shot.02:25:56
@hank:myportal.socialHankIt kind of reminds me about what Hemmingway's character said he went bankrupt, “Two ways...Gradually and then suddenly.”03:01:49
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. RobinsonIn The Narrative of Buddha's enlightenment it is said that at the moment he was enlightenment all beings in the universe were simultaneously enlightened. Enlightenment is something outside of ordinary time and space and everything already has Buddha nature. The philosophy of Soto Zen is that one does not become enlightened, one already is and it's only a matter of recognizing it and you have to cut through all the Karma while just sitting zazen and there it is full and complete your true nature. Not something you gain but something you already have and you come to recognize it as such.21:28:34
15 Apr 2024
@renderuntolilcaesars:matrix.org@renderuntolilcaesars:matrix.org joined the room.05:38:38
@renderuntolilcaesars:matrix.org@renderuntolilcaesars:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event05:57:03
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinson banned @renderuntolilcaesars:matrix.org@renderuntolilcaesars:matrix.org.08:02:10
@raybanpixie:matrix.orgRayban Pixie (she/her)Mad Ones, Wise Ones, and Rogues: Zen's American Ancestors https://hive.zenpeacemakers.org/networks/events/13985622:00:12
16 Apr 2024
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtnBut the realising part is what causes freedom from Samara I guess, so it goes both ways.05:41:06
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn* The realising part, is what causes freedom from Samara, I guess, so it goes both ways.05:41:41
19 Apr 2024
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. RobinsonAccording to Mahayana Buddhism, there is no Nirvana apart from samsara.14:46:25

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