
T845 Halium

256 Members
Linux + halium/hybris11 Servers

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19 Dec 2023
@_discord_341785840881762305:t2bot.iogranddan joined the room.10:01:38
22 Dec 2023
@_discord_674943366353518592:t2bot.iopitts6938 joined the room.05:26:46
24 Dec 2023
@_discord_1124517524663439460:t2bot.iopanpantepan joined the room.01:27:37
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_95524042743742464:t2bot.io33yn2 joined the room.21:45:57
29 Dec 2023
@_discord_1160620721928679646:t2bot.ioyvnnne changed their profile picture.16:46:22
30 Dec 2023
@_discord_370309389057261569:t2bot.ioheasterian joined the room.07:39:44
2 Jan 2024
@33yn2:matrix.org33yn2 joined the room.00:23:32
@33yn2:matrix.org33yn2 changed their profile picture.00:32:49
@spectre_laser97:matrix.orgkevin_widjaja21 changed their display name from spectre_laser97 to kevin_widjaja21.12:47:49
@_discord_617782342517522443:t2bot.iozasxsaz joined the room.19:39:34
@logicalerzor1:matrix.org@logicalerzor1:matrix.org joined the room.23:33:12
3 Jan 2024
@_discord_456456048782606346:t2bot.iodroidsavior joined the room.03:07:18
@_discord_456456048782606346:t2bot.iodroidsavior Hi deathmist_ ,
Do we have any distro like droidian, mobian or postmarketos for oneplus 5?
@_discord_456456048782606346:t2bot.iodroidsavior changed their profile picture.03:07:18
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ both pmOS and Mobian need mainline kernel to be useful in any way, and that port is just bad with major stability issues and who knows how broken it is these days with what felt like random regressions happening every other month when I still worked on it. 09:46:42
@_discord_192708523405213696:t2bot.iodeathmist_ running droidian is possible but still in early stages and I haven't looked too much more into it, kernel source at https://github.com/droidian-oneplus5/linux-android-oneplus-msm8998 fwiw 09:47:58
@_discord_921128656485638225:t2bot.ioByBenjaxLR joined the room.22:51:28
4 Jan 2024
@_discord_456456048782606346:t2bot.iodroidsavior Might check droidian sometime 10:25:00
@_discord_456456048782606346:t2bot.iodroidsavior * Thanks, Might check droidian sometime 10:25:12
5 Jan 2024
@_discord_959274690742992947:t2bot.io_pepe_ joined the room.17:14:38
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_1033153397722988574:t2bot.iohedon.ist joined the room.14:56:34
@_discord_638772514364850176:t2bot.ioknightrider007 Kali for SDM845 devices is up. 20:55:27
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_705000393972645888:t2bot.ioNo Guard Kenny joined the room.01:44:49
@_discord_155149108183695360:t2bot.ioDyno joined the room.01:45:04
@_discord_705000393972645888:t2bot.ioNo Guard Kenny 19:18:16
15 Jan 2024
@logicalerzor1:matrix.org@logicalerzor1:matrix.org left the room.10:08:49
16 Jan 2024
@dlford:matrix.org@dlford:matrix.org left the room.13:55:02
1 May 2024
@captn3m0:matrix.orgnemo joined the room.11:44:51
12 Jun 2024
@jenjell:matrix.orgJen joined the room.03:11:19
22 Jul 2024
@highontechporn:matrix.orghighontechporn changed their profile picture.13:12:41

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