

418 Members
All about using Matrix as a WebRTC signalling layer, including Element Call163 Servers

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2 Jul 2024
@andrewf:element.ioAndrew F changed their display name from Andrew F (away July 1 🇨🇦) to Andrew F.11:52:17
3 Jul 2024
@daedric:aguiarvieira.ptRicardo Duarte changed their profile picture.19:25:32
5 Jul 2024
@daedric:aguiarvieira.ptRicardo Duarte changed their profile picture.15:48:11
6 Jul 2024
@daedric:aguiarvieira.ptRicardo Duarte changed their profile picture.00:45:56
@ulfnic:matrix.org@ulfnic:matrix.org left the room.05:32:38
8 Jul 2024
@lksl94:thm.deLouie Keßler changed their display name from Louie Keßler (abwesend bis inkl. 5.7.24) to Louie Keßler.05:05:56
10 Jul 2024
@fheese:element.ioFlorian Heese changed their display name from Florian Heese // OOO to Florian Heese.07:27:38
11 Jul 2024
@cocam123:matrix.orgcocam123 changed their profile picture.08:27:04
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 to cocam123 (Old).08:27:27
12 Jul 2024
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.12:57:24
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.12:58:44
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.13:12:37
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.15:00:41
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.15:04:34
@justin:phelas.comJustin changed their display name from Justin to Justin (offline until 21st, partially available afterwards).21:51:53
14 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 (Old) to cocam123.22:34:31
18 Jul 2024
@maxime:mpalandre.frMaxime Palandre joined the room.17:28:01
19 Jul 2024
@rajil:rajils.comtrumee 03:13:31
@rajil:rajils.comtrumee changed their display name from trumee to ..04:26:31
@lksl94:thm.deLouie Keßler I want to advertise self-hosted element-call on my synapse homeserver via client well-known file.
it says here to use this config: "org.matrix.msc4143.rtc_foci": [{"type":"livekit", "livekit_service_url":"https://livekit.example.com"}]
but here it says it must be stored under the key: "livekit_focus"... so "livekit_focus": [{"type":"livekit", "livekit_service_url":"https://livekit.example.com"}]
which one is it?
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirsince it’s still an msc it wouldn’t be correct to use an unprefixed key08:37:48
@rajil:rajils.comtrumee changed their display name from . to trumee.09:11:22
@lksl94:thm.deLouie Keßlerit is supposed to work (i.e. detect self hosted EC instance when starting a call in EW) with the "org.matrix.msc4143.rtc_foci" config in client well-known file and with msc3266 enabled as described in the readme, isn't it? I configured it this way but it's still connecting to call.element.io when I start a call in element-web... thanks for the help! 🙂 09:38:51
21 Jul 2024
@justin:phelas.comJustin changed their display name from Justin (offline until 21st, partially available afterwards) to Justin (offline until 23rd, available again as of Wednesday).15:03:31
22 Jul 2024
@spireshield:aenead.netSpireshield ✨ changed their profile picture.03:12:16
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:16:15
25 Jul 2024
@justin:phelas.comJustin changed their display name from Justin (offline until 23rd, available again as of Wednesday) to Justin.09:03:17
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:10:44

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