
rebelScience | Bioinformatics Chat

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Bioinformatics chat about programming, tools, and projects in biology. For code discussions, join #biotechcode:matrix.org YouTube: https://bit.ly/2xzJXE8 Website: https://rebelscience.club/ News/Announcements: #BioNews:matrix.org31 Servers

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7 Jun 2021
@telegram_963938747:tchncs.deAdonis Cedeño (Telegram) #query
What are the variables/parameters that must be controlled and measured/predicted while a molecular docking simulation?
@telegram_963938747:tchncs.deAdonis Cedeño (Telegram) changed their profile picture.18:18:03
@telegram_1786548293:tchncs.deSyed (Telegram) joined the room.18:57:35
@telegram_1786548293:tchncs.deSyed (Telegram)1218:57:51
8 Jun 2021
@scottmilli:matrix.orgscottmilli joined the room.02:39:12
@telegram_459882282:tchncs.deDurga Dheeraj (Telegram) joined the room.06:53:49
@telegram_459882282:tchncs.deDurga Dheeraj (Telegram)Redacted or Malformed Event06:53:47
@telegram_459882282:tchncs.deDurga Dheeraj (Telegram)Redacted or Malformed Event06:54:26
@telegram_459882282:tchncs.deDurga Dheeraj (Telegram)Redacted or Malformed Event06:54:26
@telegram_1224049605:tchncs.deCooldailyscience (Telegram)image.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_1224049605:tchncs.deCooldailyscience (Telegram) Forwarded message from channel Daily Science
Mysterious protein makes human DNA morph into different shapes 🧬

“The differences between human DNA and mosquito DNA aren't limited to the arrangement of letters in the genetic code. If you were to slice open a human cell and a mosquito cell and peer into the nucleus of each, you'd see that their chromosomes are folded with a dramatically different type of genetic origami. Now, researchers have figured out how to fold one type of DNA to take the shape of the other — essentially making human DNA coil like a mosquito's.”

🔹 Read full Article here on live science
🔸 Image credit: KTSDESIGN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images
@scottmilli:matrix.orgscottmilli left the room.07:48:54
@daniel.bauer:matrix.netzbegruenung.deDan joined the room.10:32:02
@telegram_1412142773:tchncs.dePrachi Sao (Telegram) joined the room.10:56:12
@telegram_820076984:tchncs.deMinister (Telegram)Hello Lovely People16:42:02
@telegram_1116928561:tchncs.detelegram_1116928561 joined the room.22:45:03
9 Jun 2021
@mambang:matrix.orgmambang joined the room.01:39:22
@telegram_81877835:tchncs.deNeda Oj (Telegram) joined the room.02:40:12
@telegram_953855462:tchncs.deDrMaheshVelusamy (Telegram)
In reply to PR Sinha (Telegram)
Is anyone involved in any kind of bioinfo project? I would really like to work/learn something during this pandemic time. Kindly let me know if anyone's up to something.
The following article https://t.me/llbschool/3493 might give you an idea wow to choose Bioinformatics projects wisely.
@telegram_953855462:tchncs.deDrMaheshVelusamy (Telegram) changed their display name from Loops & Strands (Telegram) to DrMaheshVelusamy (Telegram).03:29:36
@telegram_953855462:tchncs.deDrMaheshVelusamy (Telegram) * The following article https://t.me/llbschool/3493 might give you an idea how to choose your Bioinformatics projects wisely. 03:29:39
@telegram_1437907806:tchncs.dePR Sinha (Telegram)
In reply to DrMaheshVelusamy (Telegram)
The following article https://t.me/llbschool/3493 might give you an idea how to choose your Bioinformatics projects wisely.
Thank you.
@telegram_147501661:tchncs.deRobert (Telegram) joined the room.08:10:21
@telegram_147501661:tchncs.deRobert (Telegram)1708:10:31
@telegram_349304130:tchncs.deM A (Telegram) joined the room.10:27:34
@telegram_349304130:tchncs.deM A (Telegram)Hello guys I need help with bioinformatics exam10:35:36
@telegram_1549945729:tchncs.deKundan Kumar (Telegram) joined the room.16:05:23
@telegram_1549945729:tchncs.deKundan Kumar (Telegram)Msg me I need help16:05:31
@telegram_1051539134:tchncs.deAvi (Telegram) joined the room.16:56:38

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