
SoloKeys Development

166 Members
Development discussion of the SoloKeys project. See the community for more rooms: #solokeys-space:matrix.org52 Servers

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21 Jun 2021
@nickray:solokeys.com@nickray:solokeys.comattestation of keys being generated on device, not exportable, restricted or no keywrapped export etc. is definitely useful and part of Trussed, yeah17:15:12
24 Jun 2021
In reply to @nickray:solokeys.com
what i'm trying to say is, piv token - usb - ccid driver - pcsclite - opensc - pkcs11 - rust-cryptoki - app is nice and all...
but i'm trying to go for something more like: device app - trussed device - ccid or hid - trussed host - host app, where "trussed host" means idiomatic Rust/Go/Python APIs (similar in spirit to PKCS11 though, you can "generate" keys, get "handles", use PIN protection, do operations). definitely keeping a pkcs11 compatibility layer too of course.
I've been working on a FIDO client library in Go (as I believe you know) and was planning on experimenting on this exact kind of thing. (Partly to address a few weaknesses/vulnerabilities I believe I've discovered in the FIDO spec, nothing too too bad). If you'd be interested in collaborating or discussing protocol ideas, chuck me a message or email.
4 Jul 2021
@dbeinder:matrix.orgdbeinderOn Kickstarter you wrote that the first batch has to be redone because they don't have working NFC. Would you sell me a few of those units at half the normal price? I'd like to get into firmware extension development and wouldn't mind having a few keys that I feel less bad about when I brick them ;)22:02:48
5 Jul 2021
@opliko:matrix.orgopliko My understanding was that the NFC chips are stuck in custom, so the assembly is waiting for them.
They had early bird pledges manufactured but not fully assembled, and the delays are due to problems with that part - first a test rig and then this.
@opliko:matrix.orgoplikoUnless they said something about that in the comments and I missed it01:06:12
@opliko:matrix.orgopliko* Unless they said something about non working NFC in the comments and I missed it01:06:32
@dbeinder:matrix.orgdbeinderMaybe I misinterpreted it, and they caught it early. They wrote in the comments on the update https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/conorpatrick/solo-v2-safety-net-against-phishing/posts/3235863: "When the campaign was started, we had all the materials on hand for the early bird build. That build happened...and testing determined that the NFC components sourced to us were underpowered."01:24:20
@opliko:matrix.orgoplikoAh, so it was a comment I missed01:26:56
19 Jul 2021
@adaszko:matrix.orgadaszko joined the room.17:07:20
9 Aug 2021
@anantasthana:matrix.organantasthana joined the room.04:57:10
10 Aug 2021
@shymega:matrix.shymega.org.ukshymega joined the room.01:10:55
19 Aug 2021
@tanriol:matrix.orgtanriol joined the room.09:39:49
31 Aug 2021
@florian:web3.foundationFlorian | W3F changed their display name from Florian | W3F to Florian | W3F - OoO.08:12:18
@guinness:laquadrature.netguinness joined the room.10:35:47
12 Sep 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) joined the room.17:46:20
13 Sep 2021
@florian:web3.foundationFlorian | W3F changed their display name from Florian | W3F - OoO to Florian | W3F - OoO Mon/Tue.11:56:01
17 Sep 2021
@manueldomke:matrix.orgmanueldomke set a profile picture.20:26:52
18 Sep 2021
@nicroc.bzh:matrix.orgNicolas joined the room.07:00:39
@nicroc.bzh:matrix.orgNicolas left the room.13:08:52
22 Sep 2021
@maximiliangaedig:maximiliangaedig.comMaximilian Gaedig joined the room.20:52:46
5 Oct 2021
@adarkmirror:matrix.orgADarkMirror changed their display name from ADarkMirror to A Dark Mirror.05:48:40
@adarkmirror:matrix.orgADarkMirror changed their display name from A Dark Mirror to ADarkMirror.05:50:23
8 Oct 2021
@florian:web3.foundationFlorian | W3F changed their display name from Florian | W3F - OoO Mon/Tue to Florian | W3F.15:13:52
13 Oct 2021
@eazel7:matrix.orgDiego joined the room.07:13:54
@eazel7:matrix.orgDiegohi! I have a solokey hacker and I'm interested on implementing an HOTP on it right now I'm on kind of face one: adding a keyboard interface to the USB descriptor07:15:10
@szszszsz:nitro.chatSzczepan Zalega (nitro.chat) Diego: I think this was done already - can you check the PRs? 09:36:36
@lilyuwu:matrix.orglily joined the room.22:40:36
@lilyuwu:matrix.orglily left the room.22:42:03
15 Oct 2021
@nickray:solokeys.com@nickray:solokeys.comdo you mean yubico otp or hotp? is this solo 1 or solo 2?14:29:12
16 Oct 2021
@eazel7:matrix.orgDiegoyes Szczepan Zalega (nitro.chat) I've found the PR and I updated it to the latest code10:13:56

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