

1523 Members
This is a Matrix room for the Linux Distribution known as blendOS. Discord: https://discord.gg/cBX89EeYcv Telegram: https://t.me/blendos Website: https://blendos.co/ Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlendOS/ IRC: #blendos:libera.chat12 Servers

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24 Jul 2024
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ I'll tack this on if you can explain it to me again but more concise 04:53:57
@telegram_6236663326:t2bot.ioBillionsRedacted or Malformed Event06:54:27
@telegram_6761242085:t2bot.iomr nobody
In reply to @_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.io
I'll tack this on if you can explain it to me again but more concise
sure I will
@telegram_6761242085:t2bot.iomr nobody
In reply to @_discord_1176530417126490135:t2bot.io
Welp... Fuck, I spoiled Coke in my laptop.
😅 hope keyboard is fine
@_discord_1081647844710166548:t2bot.iosvgaming power it off and wait for it to dry 14:10:23
@_discord_1081647844710166548:t2bot.iosvgaming it might need a lot of cleaning from the inside 14:10:44
@telegram_7113286993:t2bot.ioViking Linuxifyimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_7113286993:t2bot.ioViking Linuxify https://github.com/quantopian/PenguinDome 21:04:34
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_6105794474:t2bot.ioAzmat joined the room.19:43:28
@telegram_527595345:t2bot.ioTobiyo KuujikaiDem F8in words22:15:02
@doug1ad:matrix.org@doug1ad:matrix.org left the room.23:10:34
26 Jul 2024
@telegram_1506548974:t2bot.ioDanc2live changed their display name from Unknown 𝕏 | trying to be offline to Danc2live.00:12:50
@guyfella:matrix.org@guyfella:matrix.org joined the room.05:11:57
@guyfella:matrix.org@guyfella:matrix.org left the room.05:12:06
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png weird q 20:37:38
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png how resilient is blendos against hard shutdowns 20:38:02
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png wait thats not the right word 20:38:15
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png yall get the point 20:38:33
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ journal is fixed at boot, like any other distro 21:01:13
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ but you can't hurt your root system through that anyway bc immutable 21:01:24
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ it's just something might happen if there's a file transfer or upgrade happening 21:01:44
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ * it's just something might happen if there's a file transfer or upgrade happening before the power loss 21:01:50
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png Well, this thing is gonna run in an environment where hard shutdowns could be a common occurrence 21:04:39
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ in that case use a better FS 21:05:07
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ one that's designed for that use case 21:05:14
@_discord_789561823863111742:t2bot.ioム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ systemd can only do so much 21:05:31
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png Still experimenting if I can even get everything working and how I want it to be 21:06:22
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png Will see 21:06:25
@_discord_401116245857927199:t2bot.iolean.png Ofc I could make some kind of an UPS or something, but that would be pain 21:10:41

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