29 Oct 2024 |
| double_spiral changed their profile picture. | 13:48:21 |
@oluwafemifranchis123:matrix.org | Redacted or Malformed Event | 20:04:55 |
@oluwafemifranchis123:matrix.org | Redacted or Malformed Event | 20:05:06 |
| nim-lang-mjolnir banned @oluwafemifranchis123:matrix.org (spam). | 20:14:07 |
| easgy773717 joined the room. | 20:31:51 |
30 Oct 2024 |
| rosen changed their profile picture. | 02:48:00 |
bubbly_avocado_86424 | interested in writing a DSL curious if someone is working on a JIT/VM for Nim | 05:01:17 |
| @bsljth:matrix.org left the room. | 11:40:02 |
| latchk3y joined the room. | 15:37:20 |
| spaceshaman changed their profile picture. | 15:52:58 |
| user_name.0000 joined the room. | 16:27:37 |
31 Oct 2024 |
| victormaster_ joined the room. | 00:08:35 |
| valonduraku joined the room. | 02:32:31 |
| Mepico ☕️ left the room. | 08:47:12 |
| darkestpigeon joined the room. | 11:26:07 |
| ironic.v2 joined the room. | 11:34:08 |
| mrprofess0r joined the room. | 16:05:45 |
| lomstfer joined the room. | 16:30:23 |
| krsh changed their display name from glgspg to krsh. | 18:28:31 |
| theemeraldbee joined the room. | 18:37:02 |
1 Nov 2024 |
| konekotech joined the room. | 03:02:02 |
| @maruko12:matrix.org joined the room. | 12:58:47 |
| @maruko12:matrix.org left the room. | 13:02:52 |
victormaster_ | Redacted or Malformed Event | 14:59:26 |
bubbly_avocado_86424 | is there a good comparison available to understand what Nim offers vs what Rust offers and on what Nim offers vs what Python offers. i kind of fell for the design and 'feel' of the language but I also try to grow a bit of Rust meanwhile i simply abhore Python due to a few prior attempts | 16:15:49 |
| mysterious_piglet_20679 joined the room. | 16:18:33 |
| Muhammad Rehan Khan joined the room. | 21:13:32 |
2 Nov 2024 |
| @johnjoy55:matrix.org joined the room. | 01:40:07 |
| nim-lang-mjolnir banned @johnjoy55:matrix.org (spam). | 01:40:16 |
| aftalavera_35890 joined the room. | 02:44:12 |