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10 Jan 2019
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y normie types want to pay for things only if it's popular, so you have to cater to niches 18:08:15
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y and then niches in those niches 18:08:25
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y otherwise you're just another artist 18:08:32
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y and it gets kinda draining 18:08:51
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonDo you mainly do furry comissions?18:09:40
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y you got stuff you'd rather be doing like working on this dialouge plugin i wanna do, but you know in the back of your mind "oh yeah i have to draw someone's dog oc getting bent over a desk or i don't get to eat this week" 18:09:39
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonI imagine there's like, a lot of wolves18:09:49
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y i've struck a little luck here and there, but mainly the people who want stuff from me want furry stuff, or homestuck. 18:10:16
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y and it's all porn, lol 18:10:19
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y is why i'm trying to branch into other communities and activities (such as this one) 18:10:59
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonI recently read an article about someone trying to poison a furry artist at a convention18:11:07
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonBecause she didn't like the way he portrayed something? I barely remember18:11:22
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y i like art and i like making things, but i don't like being at the behest of someone else, and i honestly have been so shot from porn 18:11:20
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y i'm not opposed to making it or anything, it's just fuckin ugh 18:11:30
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y edit: i'm not opposed to making it or anything, it's just fuckin ugh -> i'm not opposed to making it or anything, it's just ugh 18:11:52
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonYeah, I imagine that's pretty draining18:12:07
@_discord_399599648546750466:t2bot.iowekhter (fontenddev) that's the biggest reason why i've never ended up doing commissions--not really into the idea of having to draw porn for people 18:12:11
@_discord_399599648546750466:t2bot.iowekhter (fontenddev) and yikes, @Alex 18:12:19
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y aside from the nitpicks from the commissioners themselves until you've really established yourself, you just end up in a situation where you either have to own up to what you do openly and honestly, or you have to dance around it and answer nonspecifically. 18:13:07
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y the latter being less judgemental, but super draining on the soul 18:13:21
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonHe was talking about how he got into drawing furry porn, how much money he was making, and ultimately why he stopped. I'll try to find it18:13:29
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y i believe it.
furries are loaded but they're just
i dunno
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y whatever it is, people who have original characters take said characters VERY seriously 18:14:09
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y like it's an extension of themselves i guess 18:14:22
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y so it has to be perfect 18:14:29
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonYou mean they want lots of revisions and stuff?18:14:42
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y and if you fuck with them they'll get ballistic 18:14:35
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleasongotcha18:14:49
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y edit: and if you fuck with them they'll get ballistic -> and if you mess with them they'll get ballistic 18:14:45
@_discord_158288722440224768:t2bot.iolatchk3y oh yeah, if you're not established they treat you horribly. 18:15:11

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