
Solarus Random

651 Members
Off-topic discussion with the Solarus community.24 Servers

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30 Dec 2018
@_discord_339515915865423873:t2bot.ioMuffinElZangano i can fully develop any item i want now 22:21:15
@_discord_339515915865423873:t2bot.ioMuffinElZangano I feel like ive progressed so much in only 3 days 22:31:32
31 Dec 2018
@_discord_527188695422599182:t2bot.ioNedWilson joined the room.00:14:34
@_discord_290119806177509378:t2bot.ioHavelTheRock joined the room.03:25:45
@_discord_166210424839208960:t2bot.ioGégé Team dessert sucré > ALL in irl 17:58:06
@_discord_166210424839208960:t2bot.ioGégé Binbin 😚 17:59:36
@_discord_483626791706165258:t2bot.ioMiles Prower changed their display name from Miles Prower to Miles Prower#6965.23:06:09
@_discord_483626791706165258:t2bot.ioMiles Prower changed their display name from Miles Prower#6965 to Miles Prower.23:06:19
1 Jan 2019
@_discord_368143928022532107:t2bot.iomalamonster4 changed their display name from malamonster to malamonster4#8191.07:15:38
@_discord_368143928022532107:t2bot.iomalamonster4 changed their display name from malamonster4#8191 to malamonster4.07:15:40
@_discord_529595091204177931:t2bot.iojeanclaude34 joined the room.09:42:06
@_discord_203625855065391104:t2bot.ioWaldorf changed their display name from Waldorf to Waldorf#2176.13:25:39
@_discord_203625855065391104:t2bot.ioWaldorf changed their display name from Waldorf#2176 to Waldorf.13:25:40
@_discord_203625855065391104:t2bot.ioWaldorf changed their display name from Waldorf to Waldorf#2176.13:26:49
@_discord_203625855065391104:t2bot.ioWaldorf changed their display name from Waldorf#2176 to Waldorf.13:26:51
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason Has anyone played For the Frog the Bell Tolls? Apparently it's a spiritual prequel to Link's Awakening and the game's engine went on to be used by Link's Awakening. Just an example of another type of game that could be made in Solarus. 14:32:03
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_502442314657169408:t2bot.ioguy.15:01:46
@_discord_502442314657169408:t2bot.ioguy joined the room.15:01:47
@_discord_502442314657169408:t2bot.ioguy changed their display name from guy to guy#2748.15:01:49
@_discord_502442314657169408:t2bot.ioguy changed their display name from guy#2748 to guy.15:01:50
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason I bet wekhter (jeti/fontenddev) would like it. It's sort of an RPG with some quirkiness kinda like Earthbound 15:21:56
@_discord_399599648546750466:t2bot.iowekhter (jeti/fontenddev) @alex i'm checking out a video now and you're right, this is absolutely right up my alley 😃 i actually have heard of it, but never really looked into it until now. i gotta play this! 17:53:34
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonI've been playing it the last few days, very story-driven and charming. It's a great inspiration. 😄17:54:23
@_discord_255546034040733700:t2bot.ioCerileyn changed their display name from Cerileyn to Cerileyn#3654.22:50:54
@_discord_255546034040733700:t2bot.ioCerileyn changed their display name from Cerileyn#3654 to Cerileyn.22:50:56
2 Jan 2019
@_discord_470804987526774785:t2bot.ioruns into traffic changed their display name from deep into that darkness peering to runs into traffic#0030.01:27:15
@_discord_470804987526774785:t2bot.ioruns into traffic changed their display name from runs into traffic#0030 to runs into traffic.01:27:16
@_discord_470804987526774785:t2bot.ioruns into traffic changed their display name from runs into traffic to runs into traffic#0030.01:27:17
@_discord_470804987526774785:t2bot.ioruns into traffic changed their display name from runs into traffic#0030 to runs into traffic.01:27:18

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