
Applied Mathematics and Statistics

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Statistics theory, information theory, numerical analysis, optimization and control, dynamical systems, probability || part of #mathematics-on:matrix.org24 Servers

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1 Mar 2024
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.org changed their display name from komn to logicmatter.22:20:45
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppixnewton coefficient?22:23:16
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgI know that there are 10.000 combinations22:23:49
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgcould you write the formula please22:24:15
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophCan you give some examples of 4 numbers with 1 to 9 combination? I'm not a native speaker.22:24:23
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgam i allowed to ask you where you come from?22:24:38
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristoph10.000, that means you have 0000, 0001, ..., 9999?22:25:59
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophIncluding 0's...22:26:23
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix logicmatter what did you read till now for understand the topic? 22:26:50
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophThe formula is 10⁴.22:26:51
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgScreenshot from 2024-03-01 22-26-03.png
Download Screenshot from 2024-03-01 22-26-03.png
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgthis one?22:27:20
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgi will be more clear22:27:47
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgi need to generate 10.000 numbers with all combinations22:28:00
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orgpossible combination*22:28:10
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophk=10 Symbols, namely 0, 1, ..., 9, and n=4 positions makes k^n = 10⁴ combinations.22:29:16
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophYou wan a formula for the number of combinations or a formula for the combinations?22:30:07
@logicmatter:matrix.org@logicmatter:matrix.orghow long do you think it will take me to generate all of them writing them down on a piece of paper?22:30:14
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristoph* You want a formula for the number of combinations or a formula for the combinations?22:31:19
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophPlease try it and tell me! :-)22:32:14
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristophYou cam start by writing down 100 combinations and estimate the time you need for 10.000 from that!22:33:15
@hpotsirhc:matrix.orgChristoph* You can start by writing down 100 combinations and estimate the time you need for 10.000 from that!22:33:39
In reply to @hpotsirhc:matrix.org
You want a formula for the number of combinations or a formula for the combinations?
what's the ! stand for?
In reply to @logicmatter:matrix.org
i need to generate 10.000 numbers with all combinations
with a program?
In reply to @knoppix:4d2.org
logicmatter what did you read till now for understand the topic?
wikipedia but its too complex i
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppixand did you read your skript from classes?22:46:26
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppixwhere did you get the exxersice and why?22:47:15

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