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26 Sep 2023
@_discord_441308128387006467:t2bot.ionahuelwexd#0 changed their profile picture.23:02:35
27 Sep 2023
@telegram_754468296:t2bot.ioCleo Menezes Jr. changed their display name from Cleo Menezes Jr. to 1.13:43:26
29 Sep 2023
@_discord_986329502802133042:t2bot.iosegfaultcdev#0 changed their display name from CDevGuy#5777 to segfaultcdev#0.21:44:39
@_discord_986329502802133042:t2bot.iosegfaultcdev#0 changed their profile picture.21:44:42
30 Sep 2023
@_discord_441308128387006467:t2bot.ionahuelwexd#0 changed their profile picture.18:21:37
1 Oct 2023
@_discord_801923460338417755:t2bot.ioaquaponieee#0 changed their profile picture.13:08:26
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.06:11:35
@telegram_754468296:t2bot.ioCleo Menezes Jr. changed their display name from 1 to Cleo Menezes Jr..20:22:18
3 Oct 2023
@_discord_801923460338417755:t2bot.ioaquaponieee#0 changed their profile picture.05:52:30
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.09:55:01
@_discord_470383714619228171:t2bot.iomr.weirdo#0 changed their profile picture.16:57:38
@_discord_155965294429470720:t2bot.iooh#0 changed their profile picture.20:32:03
6 Oct 2023
@_discord_647590267926478888:t2bot.iostinkerdoo#0 changed their display name from moobell#1174 to stinkerdoo#0.00:33:19
@_discord_647590267926478888:t2bot.iostinkerdoo#0 changed their profile picture.00:33:20
9 Oct 2023
@knebergish:matrix.org@knebergish:matrix.org left the room.19:13:01
13 Oct 2023
@_discord_727867273003401306:t2bot.ioaxtlos changed their profile picture.17:28:48
@_discord_727867273003401306:t2bot.ioaxtlos changed their profile picture.18:49:55
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_617450477839319067:t2bot.iovannliljer#0 changed their display name from Isabella-スイレン- to vannliljer#0.19:22:47
@_discord_617450477839319067:t2bot.iovannliljer#0 changed their profile picture.19:22:51
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_727867273003401306:t2bot.ioaxtlos changed their display name from axtlos#0 to axtlos.21:34:11
22 Oct 2023
@telegram_1251536319:t2bot.ioÁron K changed their profile picture.17:10:56
17 Nov 2023
@yohinomura:matrix.orgNemo changed their display name from yohinomura to Nemo.09:00:02
23 Dec 2023
@cleomenezesjr:matrix.org@cleomenezesjr:matrix.org left the room.18:14:26
15 Feb 2024
@telegram_216183313:t2bot.ionullSupernova changed their display name from Dei_Wa to nullSupernova.13:18:25
20 Feb 2024
@telegram_754468296:t2bot.ioCleo Menezes Jr. changed their display name from Cleo Menezes Jr. to C M Jr..16:12:51
23 Feb 2024
@telegram_754468296:t2bot.ioCleo Menezes Jr. changed their display name from C M Jr. to Cleo Menezes Jr..16:33:18
27 Feb 2024
@telegram_44222507:t2bot.ioFra 🦦 changed their display name from Fra 🦦 to Fra 🦦🎂.18:55:06
@telegram_44222507:t2bot.ioFra 🦦 changed their display name from Fra 🦦🎂 to Fra 🦦.23:28:04
13 May 2024
@realcelticgamer:matrix.org@realcelticgamer:matrix.org left the room.04:15:31
26 Jun 2024
@telegram_44222507:t2bot.ioFra 🦦 changed their profile picture.14:51:21

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