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13 Aug 2021
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn DkInteresting.20:10:35
@blancdesir2:matrix.orgblancheh lambda male coming through22:33:02
@blancdesir2:matrix.orgblancbow to me, non lispers22:33:09
@ender99:matrix.orgender99 bows 23:21:03
14 Aug 2021
@replikvlt:matrix.orgMyonquestion, is there any proprietary library written in lisp?07:33:56
@replikvlt:matrix.orgMyonor software for that matter07:34:08
In reply to @replikvlt:matrix.org
or software for that matter
@replikvlt:matrix.orgMyoncan one somehow link to it in a program, and say, macroexpand something from inside of it?08:21:08
In reply to @replikvlt:matrix.org
can one somehow link to it in a program, and say, macroexpand something from inside of it?
Just create a macro, make a FASL, now you have a proprietary
In reply to @replikvlt:matrix.org
I had to look too, but according to this (http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWRM/html/lwref-67.htm) is stands for FAST LOAD format)
@neoreo:matrix.orgstatic_cast<void*>(&ego) [he\tler] removed their display name ////\\\.21:02:18
@neoreo:matrix.orgstatic_cast<void*>(&ego) [he\tler] set their display name to static_cast<void*>(&Ego).21:02:19
@neoreo:matrix.orgstatic_cast<void*>(&ego) [he\tler] changed their display name from static_cast<void*>(&Ego) to static_cast<void*>(&ego).21:05:00
15 Aug 2021
@neoreo:matrix.orgstatic_cast<void*>(&ego) [he\tler] changed their display name from static_cast<void*>(&ego) to static_cast<void*>(&ego) [he\tler].00:03:41
@justin-mcgrath:matrix.orgJustin joined the room.21:21:41
@neoreo:matrix.orgstatic_cast<void*>(&ego) [he\tler]Download Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Case Studies in Common Lisp.pdf22:48:24
16 Aug 2021
@merazi_:matrix.orgMerazi changed their profile picture.05:23:31
@ender99:matrix.orgender99do you guys actually get stuff done of jerk each other off all day about how smart you are10:46:00
@ender99:matrix.orgender99real question not joking10:46:05
@replikvlt:matrix.orgMyonI suppose a bit of both10:51:45
In reply to @ender99:matrix.org
do you guys actually get stuff done of jerk each other off all day about how smart you are
Interesting question. Quite a bit out of topic, but I will answer it anyway. Mods, delete this if you feel like it.
@irvise:matrix.orgIrviseI used to do that a lot. Very long (years) story short. What happens in your head, only happens in your head. It does not matter how you feel about the world or other things, in the end the ideas that live inside you will not reflect reality and reality will not reflect your ideas. That causes a VERY negative feedback loop.10:54:47
@irvise:matrix.orgIrviseSooner or later you realise that you are on drugs. Not ones that you take, but the ones that your own imagination/brain produces. And the biggest issue is that you start projecting this discrepancy into the world. You create an image of yourself that is positive and paints the world in a negative view. It takes away your awareness. It is a dangerous path to walk.10:57:09
@irvise:matrix.orgIrvise * Sooner or later you realise that you are on drugs. Not ones that you take, but the ones that your own imagination/brain produces, ideas that have no reflection in the real world. And the biggest issue is that you start projecting this discrepancy into the world. You create an image of yourself that is positive and paints the world in a negative view. It takes away your awareness. It is a dangerous path to walk.10:57:46
@irvise:matrix.orgIrviseAnd to be honest with you. I used to work in a place filled with some of the greatest minds of our time, really. One guy won the nobel price last year were I work. What is the difference between me (a normal person) and those that achieve incredible stuff? I asked myself. The answer, after some personal exercise in becoming more humble, is that they do waste their time up in the clouds. They do not dream, believe or compare themselves to others. They just do stuff, they try to achive what they want. Comparing yourself to other with the intention to fill your ego, achieves litterally nothing. You only show your worth to the world and to yourself when you actually see the results of your work, not by dreaming.11:02:28
* @irvise:matrix.orgIrvise is +- finished.11:02:44
@irvise:matrix.orgIrvise * And to be honest with you. I used to work in a place filled with some of the greatest minds of our time, really. One guy won the nobel price last year were I work. What is the difference between me (a normal person) and those that achieve incredible stuff? I asked myself. The answer, after some personal exercise in becoming more humble, is that they do waste their time up in the clouds. They do not dream, believe or compare themselves to others. They just do stuff, they try to achive what they want. Comparing yourself to other with the intention to fill your ego, achieves nothing. You only show your worth to the world and to yourself when you actually see the results of your work, not by dreaming.11:04:20
@haugh:matrix.orghaugh joined the room.12:50:02
@akater:matrix.orgakater ender99: This chat is not constrictive which is the expected outcome for a chat about “all things lisp” which is an artificial concept. 14:02:49

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