
Matrix Community

7114 Members
All things Matrix. There's a lot of rooms in this space, but they're hiding under the subspaces - give them a browse to find a bunch of interesting projects :)915 Servers

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5 Dec 2024
@kayte23:matrix.org@kayte23:matrix.org joined the room.19:58:55
@buvunumrrk:matrix.org@buvunumrrk:matrix.org joined the room.19:58:57
@buvunumrrk:matrix.org@buvunumrrk:matrix.org left the room.19:58:59
@absattar:matrix.orgabsattar joined the room.20:25:26
@sherlock9:matrix.orgsherlock9 joined the room.20:47:50
@guess-=who:matrix.orgguess-=who joined the room.21:24:02
@het_dinhe-galju:tchncs.deHayden changed their display name from het din'he-gΜ‚al'jΜ‚u (he/him, but they/them ok) to Hayden.21:25:58
@cameron:matrix.otsuka.socialcameron joined the room.21:27:20
@coronainfinity:matrix.orgcoronainfinity joined the room.22:06:05
@coronainfinity:matrix.orgcoronainfinity set a profile picture.22:06:52
@jasbrt888:matrix.orgjasbrt888 joined the room.22:41:31
@jasbrt888:matrix.orgjasbrt888 left the room.23:02:54
@andersonmateo:matrix.org75_ joined the room.23:21:14
@yujiwh:matrix.orgYu changed their profile picture.23:54:53
6 Dec 2024
@henre:matrix.orghenre joined the room.00:30:30
@no-nom-nomes:matrix.orgno-nom-nomes joined the room.01:00:37
@no-nom-nomes:matrix.orgno-nom-nomes left the room.01:12:16
@yujiwh:matrix.orgYu changed their display name from yujiwh to yunnj.01:28:04
@yujiwh:matrix.orgYu changed their display name from yunnj to Yu.01:30:13
@glasshalfhopeful:matrix.orgβ“β“žπŸ…žπŸ…πŸ…” joined the room.03:53:43
@qjcz7pvqdh:matrix.orgwilliewonka changed their display name from qjcz7pvqdh to qjcz7pvqdhwillliewonka.05:36:52
@qjcz7pvqdh:matrix.orgwilliewonka changed their display name from qjcz7pvqdhwillliewonka to williewonka.06:13:20
@qjcz7pvqdh:matrix.orgwilliewonka set a profile picture.06:19:58
@abuse:matrix.orgAdministrator banned @kayte23:matrix.org@kayte23:matrix.org (spam).08:43:14
@secondwire:matrix.orgsecondwire joined the room.10:28:23
@dafnis7:matrix.orgAli Del Valle joined the room.10:39:35
@rob:felmey.orgrob joined the room.11:15:17
@avalon:matrix.5276.onlineavalon joined the room.11:25:40
@rob:felmey.orgrob set a profile picture.11:27:23
@rob:felmey.orgrob changed their profile picture.11:43:41

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