7 Dec 2021 |
AC4AG | Maybe that's a life hack get scammed and then offer them to keep it for most of the money back | 02:12:48 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | that was too easy though i should have went for $175 | 02:12:50 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | i wonder if they might have just refunded it all and let me keep it if i fought about the shipping enough. thats ok though, its certainly a $100 radio | 02:13:09 |
AC4AG | Yeah you can't beat $100 for whatever it is | 02:13:28 |
vk3jed#5126 | Now if they go for a reasonable price and can do M17, bonus. | 02:19:29 |
Alessio IU5BON | AD8DP did they objected to your claim that the radio is counterfeit? Did they ship from china? | 07:27:02 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | they did not at all, theire response ot my very detailed complaint was simple "we are sorry for that problem, friend" | 07:28:41 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | my radio came from california, the listing was a usa listing. right after i got it, looks like all of these listings changed to china sellers | 07:29:47 |
| miornd#0000 joined the room. | 07:29:57 |
miornd#0000 | Redacted or Malformed Event | 07:29:57 |
| miornd#0000 set a profile picture. | 07:29:59 |
miornd#0000 | Redacted or Malformed Event | 07:30:00 |
miornd#0000 | Redacted or Malformed Event | 07:30:03 |
Alessio IU5BON | Wow. I can find a lot of them on eBay. Price is about 190-200$ but shipping from china will add customs | 07:31:17 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | yeah when i bought mine they were all usa, every one. during the time it took to get it and realize it was fake, all the listings changed from california to china | 07:32:54 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | to further clarify, every response I made was harsh, calling them criminals and the radio fake and they were always accommodating | 07:37:23 |
Alessio IU5BON | Ok, thanks. I don’t think I’ll have the time and energy to try this. Especially because here in Italy I’ll be liable as a customer of counterfeit goods. asking for a partial refund will configure a criminal offense. | 07:40:50 |
Alessio IU5BON | I knew of horror stories of people getting charged because a seller was proved to be selling counterfeit goods and the police went to every single customer | 07:42:06 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | i talked to yaesu already, they dont seem to care, they just offered me stores close to me and said i'll always get the best service if i shop there | 07:43:43 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | g4klx gave me a contact, i first emailed him no response, so i just did the contact us link and this guy KN6APR replied | 07:46:29 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | Thank you for your email regarding the fake version of the FT-7900 purchased from China through Ebay. I can see multiple listings regarding the FT-7900 and the China origination for shipment. | 07:47:07 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | As your residence is in Michigan if you want in-person personal assistance I would advise you that 2 dealers are in nearby states: Ham Radio Outlet in Milwaukee and Associated Radio in Missouri. | 07:47:08 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | First, as a U.S. customer I would highly encourage you to purchase any products from an authorized Yaesu U.S. Amateur dealer. | 07:47:09 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | Most Yaesu U.S. Amateur dealers have on-line ordering capacity. | 07:47:12 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | Second, I will refer you email to our headquarters office for their review. | 07:47:16 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | Thank you for your email. | 07:47:20 |
Alessio IU5BON | This is an original yaesu or a counterfeit one? | 07:49:11 |
_discord_771779375397077023_=41=448=44=50 | mine is obviously fake | 07:50:04 |
Alessio IU5BON | https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/counterfeit-radio-2021.html | 08:19:44 |
| dxld joined the room. | 08:46:52 |