
Steam Sky

10 Members
General discussion about Steam Sky roguelike https://thindil.itch.io/steam-sky4 Servers

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9 Jan 2020
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: at least in the current version i dont exaclty know if i or the enemy has a higher speed. 16:01:09
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: max speeds, i mean. 16:01:41
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgOkies I will try to do something with this. Hm max speed can be problem, current max speed should be doable. I will add it to the TODO.16:03:05
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: its mostly about the evaluation of how fast my ship is vs the enemy ship. Its the question of how you approach a fight - will i fight or run. can the enemy run from me? stuff like that. 16:08:12
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgSure this is doable and I hope I can do this pretty fast. But of course only in the development version. Some general information or maybe even approximate time when you or enemy approach each other.16:11:04
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgMaybe something like "examine" in traditional roguelikes. Gives more info about enemy based on character skills.16:12:59
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: Do you develop this as a comercial- or free project? Is there anything like “should be finished at some time”? 16:39:01
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgFree project, it is mostly my Ada language playground. So no hurry or deadline. But I think at some point I will stop development. At this moment I think it will not happen too fast 😃16:42:24
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: Interesting. And is this your first game project of this scope? 16:45:03
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgNot really. I have a few (even long term) projects done either.16:46:37
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: and why did you decide to run this as free project? 16:59:34
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: oh, right, Ada language playground… you said that 17:01:51
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgBecause I wanted to learn the Ada language :) This is generally, my educational project - to gain as much as possible experience: with language, project managing, etc.17:02:24
@crunklord420:matrix.kiwifarms.netcrunklord420thindil wants to work for the DoD17:02:50
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgnah, only for the European Space Agency :D I just want to write better programs, with minimal amount of bugs :)17:06:20
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: just encountered ada briefly in the past in a project for a city traffic guidance system. 17:07:32
@crunklord420:matrix.kiwifarms.netcrunklord420I wrote a bunch of assembly recently and now I have no fear17:08:54
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: write better programs, with less bugs? bold call in the age of “get the sprint done, fix shit later” 😉 17:11:09
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgthis is why I work on my own :) I was tired of this "age" :D And yes, for assembly you must be brave :D17:46:35
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: brave? must be a typo.. Guess you meant “crazy”, hehe 18:17:57
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgNah, I will stay with my version :) Assembler must be a nice language, every CPU use it :)18:20:06
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: yes, and every cpu savagely crashs software now and then. CPU is a bad guy, really, its proven 🙂 18:23:22
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgNo it is just classic problem with communication - you use tools created by humans who don't know machines to talk with machines which don't know humans. The blind leads the blind :]18:30:42
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.org changed the room topic to "General discussion about Steam Sky roguelike https://thindil.itch.io/steam-sky" from "General discussion about Steam Sky roguelike https://thindil.github.io/steamsky/".19:17:22
10 Jan 2020
@steamskybot:matrix.orgSteamSkyBot Zothen@discord: 11th commandment: You shall not try to understand the SkyNet…. 😉 17:21:38
@thindil:matrix.org@thindil:matrix.orgSkyNet? More like standard documentation of every programming library :D17:23:44
11 Jan 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40thindil=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@thindil:matrix.org] itch.io:
Weekly development report: 2020/01/11
18 Jan 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40thindil=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@thindil:matrix.org] itch.io:
Weekly development report: 2020/01/18
24 Jan 2020
@crunklord420:matrix.kiwifarms.netcrunklord420 changed their profile picture.19:06:33
25 Jan 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40thindil=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@thindil:matrix.org] itch.io:
Weekly development report: 2020/01/25

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