

258 Members
Игры, технологии, кино, гик-культура, вот это всё. Правила чата: 1. Не будьте мудаками 2. см. пункт 1. Крипту обсуждаем тут - https://matrix.to/#/#cryptoshit:matrix.org8 Servers

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4 Nov 2023
@telegram_631828163:t2bot.ioKISA changed their profile picture.08:53:25
6 Nov 2023
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org joined the room.10:19:43
7 Nov 2023
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org changed their display name from Warrior Of Light 🛡 to Warrior Of Light.14:37:11
10 Nov 2023
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org changed their display name from Warrior Of Light to Warrior Of Light ⚔️.15:16:38
11 Nov 2023
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org left the room.19:38:36
16 Nov 2023
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from . to lоонее..12:45:20
17 Nov 2023
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from lоонее. to ..13:02:53
26 Nov 2023
@lisstor99:matrix.org@lisstor99:matrix.org joined the room.16:30:09
@lisstor99:matrix.org@lisstor99:matrix.org left the room.16:31:38
2 Dec 2023
@spartak:catgirl.cloud@spartak:catgirl.cloud joined the room.19:11:21
@spartak:catgirl.cloud@spartak:catgirl.cloud left the room.19:14:40
9 Jan 2024
@telegram_276380420:t2bot.ioVictor changed their profile picture.08:06:11
11 Jan 2024
@peshekhod:matrix.org@peshekhod:matrix.org joined the room.10:30:47
@peshekhod:matrix.org@peshekhod:matrix.org left the room.10:33:52
3 Feb 2024
@fevinslk:matrix.orgfevinslk joined the room.00:05:28
5 Feb 2024
@ginko_baba:matrix.org@ginko_baba:matrix.org left the room.08:41:36
16 Feb 2024
@telegram_1507625899:t2bot.ioT500 changed their display name from 500 to T500.04:12:52
@telegram_1507625899:t2bot.ioT500 set a profile picture.04:12:53
26 Feb 2024
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from . to . #TeamСонишизы.10:56:48
4 Mar 2024
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from . #TeamСонишизы to lunee..00:55:06
8 Mar 2024
@fevinslk:matrix.orgfevinslk set a profile picture.11:29:08
26 Mar 2024
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from lunee. to lunee.07:11:02
9 Apr 2024
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from lunee to lunee..12:12:22
27 Apr 2024
@telegram_2438877:t2bot.iobemyak changed their profile picture.20:34:21
5 May 2024
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their display name from lunee. to ..08:29:52
8 May 2024
@telegram_572558342:t2bot.io. changed their profile picture.12:22:56
11 May 2024
@telegram_631828163:t2bot.ioKISA changed their display name from KISA | мама, я инфл to KISA.14:43:35
@telegram_631828163:t2bot.ioKISA changed their profile picture.14:43:40
26 May 2024
@fevinslk:matrix.orgfevinslk changed their profile picture.08:38:21
7 Jun 2024
@fevinslk:matrix.orgfevinslk changed their profile picture.19:50:12

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