
NetHunter [Kali Linux]

766 Members
Pen Testing at its finest. A Kali Linux kernel for Android devices. Jam packed with pen testing tools for wireless cracking and MITM attacks as well as Rubber Ducky and Wifi Pineapple. Morw info can be found at Kali.org.32 Servers

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1 Jul 2024
@leon09djau86b:matrix.orgrobot changed their profile picture.10:21:54
2 Jul 2024
@sup3rf1y:matrix.orgsuperfly joined the room.03:05:38
@einheriy:matrix.orgeinheriy joined the room.17:51:51
3 Jul 2024
@einheriy:matrix.orgeinheriy left the room.17:37:44
5 Jul 2024
@azxswed:matrix.orgqazsw set their display name to qazsw.04:54:10
7 Jul 2024
@caminashell:matrix.orgcaminashell joined the room.01:46:20
8 Jul 2024
@caminashell:matrix.orgcaminashell set a profile picture.09:27:50
9 Jul 2024
@stihl450:matrix.org@stihl450:matrix.org removed their display name 300HZ.13:41:10
@stihl450:matrix.org@stihl450:matrix.org 14:26:31
11 Jul 2024
@jaygent:matrix.orgjaygent joined the room.04:01:52
@wkdowkdjd:matrix.orgLeo1837 joined the room.06:00:09
@covar:matrix.orgcovar left the room.08:34:41
12 Jul 2024
@rasberg:matrix.orgrasberg left the room.19:28:39
14 Jul 2024
@2hhqkb66ia:matrix.org2hhqkb66ia joined the room.10:19:22
@2hhqkb66ia:matrix.org2hhqkb66iahttps://matrix.to/#/#cutekids:matrix.org https://matrix.to/#/#Lobby_for_arts:matrix.org Here is a Predator group that illegally distributes any child pornography. Please help report it to the Matrix Foundation to prevent this behavior from happening again. And help note https://matrix.to/#/@jimmy_nguyen:matrix.org the account, often sends pornographic photos of real children in private messages10:19:25
15 Jul 2024
@novacaine:matrix.orgnovacaine joined the room.10:59:47
@naysco12138:matrix.orgnaysco12138 joined the room.18:42:36
@naysco12138:matrix.orgnaysco12138 left the room.18:42:57
@polvinsky:matrix.orgpolvinsky joined the room.22:19:46
16 Jul 2024
@ritvx-:matrix.orgritvx- joined the room.10:46:13
@ritvx-:matrix.orgritvx- left the room.10:50:31
@ranboy:matrix.orgranboy changed their profile picture.23:12:44
17 Jul 2024
@stonedge:matrix.orgStonEdge left the room.13:55:05
@driv3nfast:matrix.orgdriv3nfast set a profile picture.19:38:26
@khargoosh:matrix.orgkhargoosh joined the room.21:11:16
18 Jul 2024
@syntaxflaaw:matrix.orgmootu joined the room.03:12:06
@neoopus:matrix.orgAnoir Ben Tanfous joined the room.09:01:20
@caminashell:matrix.orgcaminashell changed their profile picture.22:01:36
26 Jul 2024
@zeberike:matrix.orgzeberike joined the room.06:55:27
@wfrnwn8m2p:matrix.orgwfrnwn8m2p set a profile picture.18:35:02

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