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10 Nov 2023
@_discord_653280615957004317:t2bot.ionomeat changed their profile picture.20:33:30
12 Nov 2023
@_discord_334514066724880385:t2bot.iolikogan changed their display name from likogan#0 to likogan.05:33:04
16 Nov 2023
@_discord_135530969544261632:t2bot.iohellscrye changed their display name from Hellscrye to hellscrye.19:58:23
17 Nov 2023
@_discord_922171291186888704:t2bot.iokatalia369 changed their profile picture.03:50:20
@_discord_175443359886737408:t2bot.ioyellobird changed their profile picture.05:52:08
22 Nov 2023
@_discord_454972825170870273:t2bot.ioborntobewild changed their display name from PaulSimplementPaul#2465 to borntobewild.17:57:11
23 Nov 2023
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from Bastien ON4BCY to on4bcy.21:38:00
24 Nov 2023
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 4K 32" has the same pixel density as 1080p 16", it's not magnifying glass territory at all 07:08:28
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 100% scaling on 32" 4K gives you 4x 1080p screen real estate which is amazing for coding 07:08:56
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 the closer you are the more the pixels matter 07:09:22
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 sure my A770 can't drive 144Hz 4K native in most games but with most games having FSR and such it isn't a big deal 07:10:18
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 the real estate for non gaming tasks makes it worth 07:10:31
@_discord_172053726909956096:t2bot.iovite1312 changed their profile picture.14:55:18
26 Nov 2023
Download image.png
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 my SSD is 84% should I be worry? 10:57:23
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 * my SSD is 84% after using it for 7 year, should I be worry? 10:58:07
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 * my SSD health is 84% after using it for 7 year, should I be worry? 10:58:20
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta That is not a place where I would be worrying about it after that time. 17:59:25
27 Nov 2023
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot It depends on use, 3 years is not bad for any SSD except the most cheap 03:08:17
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot I'm still running much older stuff and they're still passing tests no issue 03:16:07
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 ok then its all good 03:52:22
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 since it's not my boot drive and not full 03:52:40
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno It's not about how long a drive has been in service. The 2 things you want to pay attention to when buying an SSD is the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and the Total Bytes Written (TBW). These 2 numbers will tell you how often the drive fails and what the expected endurance of the NAND flash is. 14:24:50
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno Granted there is some correlation between drive age and NAND failure however correlation is not causation. Best to understand the difference. 14:26:15
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 me too 02:09:24
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 ya, its 200TB, but how to I check how many TB left? 02:11:30
Download image.png
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 where 02:13:39
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 I must be blind or something 02:13:48
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 ohh.. then I still have 173TB left 02:14:54

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