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28 Nov 2023
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 and my NVMe drive still have 581TB 02:15:57
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno There are many factors that influence the failure of a flash cell so you should consider TBW a rule of thumb and not a hard and fast line. 05:57:43
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 qio_h1n1 thank you 09:20:31
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 yes 09:21:02
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 I forgot to thank you earlier 09:21:11
@_discord_175443359886737408:t2bot.ioyellobird changed their profile picture.18:55:30
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_476154365636247552:t2bot.iolushurban89 changed their display name from LushUrban89 to lushurban89.22:36:07
6 Dec 2023
@_discord_405499767230300170:t2bot.iodecayableradiologist changed their display name from DecayableRadiologist to decayableradiologist.06:26:20
7 Dec 2023
@_discord_451026503086637056:t2bot.ione0_951 changed their display name from NE0_93 to ne0_951.01:35:54
@_discord_673346421134721045:t2bot.iodeat0101010 changed their profile picture.18:55:29
@_discord_294951812966907904:t2bot.iozeerbeste changed their display name from thomas to zeerbeste.22:33:36
9 Dec 2023
@_discord_216205285231034368:t2bot.ioterdog changed their profile picture.23:09:10
13 Dec 2023
@_discord_358933783027777536:t2bot.iofrostybiscuit changed their display name from FrostyBiscuit to frostybiscuit.16:40:31
16 Dec 2023
@_discord_219407271736639489:t2bot.iokannan changed their display name from Kannan to kannan.17:29:56
17 Dec 2023
@_discord_341337694242340864:t2bot.ioschweppes0x changed their display name from schweppes0x#0683 to schweppes0x.09:02:24
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_126282713861718016:t2bot.iotrypta changed their display name from Trypta to trypta.12:10:44
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot https://eldritch.cafe/@geo_bot/111604940277379601 03:26:56
22 Dec 2023
@_discord_512607144722432001:t2bot.io.titleless changed their display name from Title~Less to .titleless.15:37:51
24 Dec 2023
@_discord_607077063949811737:t2bot.iolearsshadow changed their display name from Noheart to learsshadow.20:33:46
26 Dec 2023
@_discord_336115820780322816:t2bot.iosupertriton changed their display name from Supertriton to supertriton.12:16:57
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_416234515275710474:t2bot.ioharundemisoski changed their display name from Kuraikage to harundemisoski.07:18:01
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_390178998442786816:t2bot.io418cat changed their profile picture.16:54:35
1 Jan 2024
@_discord_673346421134721045:t2bot.iodeat0101010 my interest is peaked at that 256mb of sdram 08:00:48
@_discord_651856061682417684:t2bot.ioalgfree changed their profile picture.21:17:18
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_175443359886737408:t2bot.ioyellobird changed their profile picture.15:57:03
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_309802310861586434:t2bot.iovele_chris changed their display name from Vele/Chris to vele_chris.16:31:18
10 Jan 2024
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot Are the open source linux Nvidia drivers still bad, because I'm getting real sick of regressions in the proprietary drivers 02:16:43
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 they're getting a lot better but still nowhere near the proprietary 03:26:02
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 I've been testing NVK on my laptop rtx 3070 03:26:13
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_139075711553110016:t2bot.iodarkiox changed their display name from Darkiox to darkiox.19:06:28

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