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Bridged room for #applications on the Monado discord6 Servers

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16 Oct 2022
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 i guess that should've been the first question 23:22:37
@_discord_418227674259914772:t2bot.ioNova#1555 i didn't know haha 23:26:10
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 all good lol 23:26:46
17 Oct 2022
@_discord_988563406179164231:t2bot.ioOwariDa joined the room.17:15:03
18 Oct 2022
@_discord_376583337655009290:t2bot.ioalesya_h joined the room.01:34:54
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 joined the room.09:35:40
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 what's the MAX count of APPs that monado's able to support simultaneously? all comunicate with IPC ? 09:35:41
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 joined the room.09:36:22
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 8, from memory 09:36:22
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 ok, so is there any way to identify these Apps in the server side? 09:37:18
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 you can use the monado-ctl binary to list them 09:37:33
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/-/tree/main/src/xrt/targets/ctl 09:38:07
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 ok, thanks. 09:38:14
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 is it able to distinguish different Apps in the server side? eg. by ID or sth. 09:39:30
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 * is it able to distinguish different Apps in the server side in CODE? eg. by ID or sth. 09:39:57
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 yes, theres an id, an application name provided over openxr protocol, and a pid (process id) listed for each 09:40:12
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 the code is quite simple, you can see what it prints https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/-/blob/main/src/xrt/targets/ctl/main.c 09:41:02
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 ok, thanks 09:41:18
19 Oct 2022
@_discord_829504561244798996:t2bot.iobabyclav#3978 changed their display name from babyclav to babyclav#3978.03:35:46
@_discord_492668799011520522:t2bot.ioรถ. joined the room.08:37:24
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 is it able to use IPC to send message/protocol from monado-server to a non-openXR app? 08:41:32
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 i'm not sure i understand what you are asking.. reading the code posted above should show exactly what it does and doesnt do... the only thing it sends are commands to monado-server, in order modify the state of other monado-connected applications. 10:09:36
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 eg. can i use IPC like any network lib eg.thrift 10:11:21
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 set a custom protocol and send message from the monado-server to a custom app(seems that the app must use OpenXR) 10:12:12
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 yep, thanks. i m reading the code, and check whether it's possible to Send custom protocol/data to a user's App 10:13:31
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 in monado, by default, msg in IPC are only send from Client to Server? and one-directional? 10:14:59
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 no, clients connect to monado by connecting to its socket, after which they exchange data bidirectionally. as well as obtain a filehandle for a shared memory segment, in which various, notionally 'unidirectional' data is stored e.g. hmd and controller poses etc.. however it is also used by the client to send data in the other direction - update layer info and such 10:17:41
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 monados IPC code was written to transport gpu memory filehandles, and the openxr protocol first and foremost - initially everything travelled over sockets, but we introduced shared memory on top of that to both simplify some aspects of things - and improve efficiency - e.g. multiple clients can read the pose data from the shm and the server just needs to write it once and not care about coordinating delivery to multiple connected clients individually 10:21:22
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 is it able to custom IPC, so it can be used to send custom data to a custom client-app. if yes, where should be modified or added, the function, protocol, etc?
wondering if it's possible to use monado's default code, to do some simple network work which use thrift's protocol and socket of course.
@_discord_861777226655465493:t2bot.iobluedot#6124 * is it able to custom IPC, so it can be used to send custom data to a custom client-app. if yes, where should be modified or added, the function, protocol, etc?
wondering if it's possible to use monado's default code, to do some simple network work which use thrift's protocol and socket of course.
no need for SHM, normal sockets are enough, just send custom msg to app

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