
F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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8 Feb 2025
@chateraise:beeper.comchateraiseYeah haha. 04:31:28
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org
Dig older apps from releases https://github.com/koreader/koreader/releases and check minimum android version with apps like AppManager on a 2nd (newer i.e. android 8+ device). When you find the perfect one transfer to old device and test ;p
Hey that's a pretty clever way. I didn't know appmanager existed. Thank you.
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§AppManager : kinda swiss-knife for Android😀04:33:24
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Though there are many small great tools/utility category apps available for Android on F-Droid. 04:35:19
@chateraise:beeper.comchateraiseYeah, I use Wifi Widget, IYPS (password generator), Songsync (lyrics downloader), 10-bit clock widget, quite small.04:44:13
@cleaver0132:matrix.orgcleaver0132 joined the room.04:44:49
@chateraise:beeper.comchateraise * Yeah, I use Wifi Widget, IYPS (password generator), Songsync (lyrics downloader), 10-bit clock widget and GPStest. Quite small if you ask me.04:45:53
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/net.programmierecke.radiodroid2?repo=archive If this app also works then that would be a perfect usecase as well. (Best Radio app btw)04:49:30
@chateraise:beeper.comchateraiseOh, speaking of radio, one of the reason I use my S2 is it receives local FM through its 3.5mm jack. A big deal (for me)04:53:12
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§Then that's better. I don't prefer using Internet unnecessarily.04:54:27
@chateraise:beeper.comchateraiseExactly, it saves data and battery life too. Though having FOSS support on android radio is... not very feasible?04:57:20
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§Database is based on https://www.radio-browser.info/ which is well maintained. Now it depends how well you present UI/UX, features etc as radio app.05:02:35
@chateraise:beeper.comchateraisethey have a database for that :OOO05:08:19
@_oftc_duckworld:matrix.orgduckworld left the room.05:13:46
@_oftc_duckworld:matrix.orgduckworld joined the room.05:18:30
@_oftc_duckworld:matrix.orgduckworld left the room.05:19:47
@_oftc_duckworld:matrix.orgduckworld joined the room.05:20:16
@benoit.marty:matrix.orgbenoit (back on Feb. 17th) changed their display name from benoit to benoit (back on Feb. 17th).05:26:42
@czl92783719:mozilla.orgCarter Zhang[M] joined the room.05:39:00
@czl92783719:mozilla.orgCarter Zhang[M]My Xiaomi Mi 10S's crDroid ROM bundled a MIUI Camera App!! Is it FLOSS? or proprietary? If proprietary, why crDroid will bundle this app? crDroid will cease to be FLOSS after bundling such an app. 🥵🥵🥵05:39:41
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§Ask in https://t.me/crDroidAndroid05:44:25
@czl92783719:mozilla.orgCarter Zhang[M]
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org
Ask in https://t.me/crDroidAndroid
No telegram account
@czl92783719:mozilla.orgCarter Zhang[M]is there bridges05:45:05
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Not sure I'm not a crDroid user. Maybe ask in GitHub 05:46:37
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org
If this app also works then that would be a perfect usecase as well. (Best Radio app btw)

Oh how I wish a dev would take over this project to bring the app up to date.

Even as it stand it is the best internet radio app


Looking at the IzzyOnDroid radiodroid it only shows releases up to 0.82.

There was an update on 2023 bringing to v0.86


@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp silverplasma: that's in the normal (non archived) repo: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.programmierecke.radiodroid2/ 05:59:56
@_oftc_madage:matrix.orgmadage left the room.06:06:57
@_oftc_madage:matrix.orgmadage joined the room.06:07:09
@_oftc_poemann:matrix.orgpoemann joined the room.06:07:44

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