
BitcoinZ: #general

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BitcoinZ: #general | https://btcz.rocks/ | https://getbtcz.com/ for Community Website | Bridged to Discord: https://discord.gg/bitcoinz | Bridged to Telegram: https://t.me/btczofficialgroup | https://matrix.to/#/#bitcoinz:matrix.org for Space11 Servers

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12 Dec 2024
@_discord_388161857514635275:t2bot.iochada1997 We need coverage on some of the big Crypto Marketing Platforms but they cost so darn much 15:42:33
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridgefile_138.jpg
Download file_138.jpg
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridge CaptchaCoin1
Cannot find
Download Ekrano_kopija_2400.png
@_discord_391537023594528768:t2bot.iomindaugason your screen too small 15:46:58
@_discord_388161857514635275:t2bot.iochada1997 Trade Volume is our #1 friend, we are not being listed for example on WhatToMine results because our trade volume it too low, though WhiteBit is about to start reporting volume again on CMC, when BTCZ is up 40% we will not show up in gainers because of volume 15:46:59
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridge CaptchaCoin1 (in reply to **)
<no text>
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridge CaptchaCoin1 (in reply to **)
<no text>
Cannot see this even in my laptop or desktop or mobile , lol , strange.
@_discord_391537023594528768:t2bot.iomindaugason do it smaller screen 110% 16:00:20
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridge Frankie_Latino
It is possible that WBTCZ could be traded on a traditional exchange in the future. Although WBTCZ is currently a BEP-20 token running on the BSC blockchain and traded on decentralized trading platforms (DEX), some traditional exchanges may decide to list WBTCZ in the future.

If that were to happen, WBTCZ could be traded on a traditional exchange in the same way BTCZ is traded. However, as of now, there is no information available on whether any traditional exchange has plans to list WBTCZ in the future.

Is this correct?
@_discord_789274858805526548:t2bot.ioruudputs joined the room.19:59:51
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridge * Frankie_Latino
It is possible that WBTCZ could be traded on a traditional exchange in the future. Although WBTCZ is currently a BEP-20 token running on the BSC blockchain and traded on decentralized trading platforms (DEX), some traditional exchanges may decide to list WBTCZ in the future.

If that were to happen, WBTCZ could be traded on a traditional exchange in the same way BTCZ is traded. However, as of now, there is no information available on whether any traditional exchange has plans to list WBTCZ in the future.

BTCZ apparently has advantages over WBTCZ in terms of liquidity, recognition and flexibility. However, WBTCZ has its own advantages by interacting with the Binance Smart Chain network and smart contract technology. The choice between the two will depend on the individual needs of each user.
@_discord_418542123479203850:t2bot.iosimon.vai https://github.com/simbav911/bitcoinz-installer 20:42:29
@mandyfx4.org:matrix.orgmandyfx4.org joined the room.21:06:49
@_discord_827216710032424991:t2bot.ioromain.html Yes on miningpoolstats 21:41:05
@_discord_827216710032424991:t2bot.ioromain.html On version web pc it working 21:42:11
@_discord_391537023594528768:t2bot.iomindaugason https://coinmarketleague.com/coin/bitcoinz 21:42:43
@_discord_1208816245634375721:t2bot.ioTelegram bridge Jagermeister666
/ban @Mike_wwww
13 Dec 2024
@_discord_410946495941181451:t2bot.iocarolayai 00:44:53
@_discord_352178510984511488:t2bot.iomr.radvibez Do we see this coin ever hitting a penny? 🤞 01:34:03
@_discord_203002510024114177:t2bot.ioiheartshrooms Yes. When? I don't know. It has a max supply. Halving every 4 years. It's definately going up in price. Hopefully with marketing and development, it'll be sooner rather than later. 01:56:15
@_discord_388161857514635275:t2bot.iochada1997 It hit 3 cents in 2018 and analysts say this bull cycle will be like no other taking out all time highs. So very possible 02:06:10
@_discord_281964619176869889:t2bot.iolug.lug 05:47:50
@_discord_669301642260250646:t2bot.iobaZilio Private coins like Monero, Verge, and Dash are soaring 🚀 right now. As more non-private coins become centralized and heavily regulated, people will naturally start seeking private alternatives. I believe BTCZ has great potential to be one of those alternatives. However, instead of focusing solely on exchange presence, we should prioritize having a proper wallet solution. Being integrated into Trust Wallet would be a big step forward, especially since Coinomi still doesn’t work properly. 06:01:50
@_discord_797398231621042237:t2bot.iodwhalen06 Agree if we get a proper secure mobile wallet that utilizes the privacy features as well I think that would be huge for BTCZ... 06:18:25
@_discord_1313183407152566313:t2bot.iomrhbt101 joined the room.08:48:59
@beneficialsource:matrix.orgbeneficialsourceAtomic would be great, with built.in swaps. 08:58:25
@_discord_352178510984511488:t2bot.iomr.radvibez Good morning BTCZ! Hope everyone has a great day! 09:46:18
@_discord_391537023594528768:t2bot.iomindaugason https://coinmarketleague.com/coin/bitcoinz 09:47:50
@_discord_669301642260250646:t2bot.iobaZilio Voted two times) What's the point? 10:26:17

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