
Electronics For All (EFA)

327 Members
About EFA Community: For People around the world, who are interested inย Embedded SW/HW, Electronics, Industrial Automation, Robotics, OSH, OSS, Beacons, 3D Fab,Professional N/W'ing, knowledge sharing & discussions on these technologies & engineering.36 Servers

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5 Jan 2024
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady changed their profile picture.07:03:55
8 Jan 2024
@lunardigs:matrix.orglunardigs ๐ŸŒ’ changed their display name from lunardigs (docnarcolongo) to lunardigs ().01:43:35
11 Jan 2024
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady changed their display name from PurpleLady (non-trans, she/her) to PurpleLady.03:46:07
13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.20:55:54
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:30:02
9 Feb 2024
@waitforthe:matrix.orgwaitfortheanyone know of any places to get raspberry pi 4 alternatives for using as computer? I saw libre, orange pi, asus, and others but they are still too expensive. im looking to spend about 15 dollars. 01:06:11
In reply to @protocall7:matrix.org
I've noticed the same, ##analog is also dead. I don't think you did anything to run anyone off btw. TRNG idea sounds cool, but it's a bit over my head so I don't have any feedback haha.

Consolidation might not be a horrible idea. I certainly miss the amount of people and interaction in #sparkfun and ##electronics on freenode IRC years ago
Discord is also dead tbh
@mriconoclast:matrix.org@mriconoclast:matrix.orgso we can that the internet is dead 16:22:09
@mriconoclast:matrix.org@mriconoclast:matrix.org * so we can say that electronics is just nostalgy now16:22:31
10 Feb 2024
@mriconoclast:matrix.org@mriconoclast:matrix.org left the room.11:33:33
17 Feb 2024
@rob:tomesh.net@rob:tomesh.net left the room.06:25:22
19 Feb 2024
@topsytea:matrix.orgTavish Naruka changed their display name from tavish to Tavish Naruka.12:40:39
22 Feb 2024
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyI'd like to make a new room for all this. I'd invite everyone from all the dead rooms.23:44:25
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLady * I might want to start an alternative.23:44:55
5 Mar 2024
@fredrick.a:matrix.orgFredrickI need help understanding PCB fabrication, JLCPCB. In KiCad I create vias, which I as a nood thought would all be drilled and "golden", but in their preview they are covered under the solder mask. Is that supposed to be like that? ..this is my first PCB ever. '^^09:30:04
@fredrick.a:matrix.orgFredrickI can't upload my screenshot for some unknown reason, but a few vias inside a "golden" area, the pad under a chip are drilled but not others.09:31:39
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyHow many layers deep is it?21:19:00
@purplelady:matrix.orgPurpleLadyAnd that could be a "microVIA."21:22:36
27 Mar 2024
@d/x/p.2hz:matrix.org@d/x/p.2hz:matrix.org joined the room.23:53:36
@d/x/p.2hz:matrix.org@d/x/p.2hz:matrix.org left the room.23:54:02
28 Mar 2024
@m:matrix.mahfoudh.orgDr. Dude changed their profile picture.11:18:04
11 Apr 2024
@lunardigs:matrix.orglunardigs ๐ŸŒ’ changed their display name from lunardigs () to lunardigs ๐ŸŒ’.19:57:09
14 Apr 2024
@lthvd:tchncs.deLouwrens set their display name to Louwrens.13:04:35
20 Apr 2024
@lunardigs:matrix.orglunardigs ๐ŸŒ’it's a day of modbus for me21:49:20
6 May 2024
@langovet:matrix.orgl changed their display name from langovet to l.07:07:12
27 May 2024
@shish2k:matrix.orgShish changed their display name from shish2k to Shish.19:32:24
3 Jun 2024
@shoriminimoe:matrix.orgshoriminimoe removed their profile picture.05:22:07
19 Jun 2024
@alacer:matrix.orgAlacer changed their display name from alacer to Alacer.11:33:59
16 Jul 2024
@vancha112:matrix.org@vancha112:matrix.org left the room.13:29:16

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