

2151 Members
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ | Talk about the GNU/HURD/Linux operating system and related stuff | be sensible, have nice discussions :) | oh, and https://dontasktoask.com | try not to become a help vampire, we have banhammers and wooden stakes: https://slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires/ | DON'T USE KALI, IT'S FOR PENTESTING https://www.kali.org/docs/introduction/should-i-use-kali-linux/ | Manjarno https://manjarno.snorlax.sh/163 Servers

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25 Jun 2024
@queencake10:matrix.orgQuinceTart10 [he/him] changed their display name from trollge to QuinceTart10 [he/him].05:48:50
26 Jun 2024
@SamjoeYang:matrix.orgSamjoeYang joined the room.14:04:57
28 Jun 2024
@exxxxkc:matrix.orgΞžΠ–KↃ/QVH changed their profile picture.16:28:44
@exxxxkc:matrix.orgΞžΠ–KↃ/QVH changed their display name from ΞžΠ–KↃ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (NULL/NoNe/All) to ΞžΠ–KↃ/QVH.16:30:57
29 Jun 2024
@eisbaer000:matrix.org@eisbaer000:matrix.org left the room.12:12:31
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from Mike was a gift to https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4.18:57:34
30 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4 to Mike was a gift.04:24:31
1 Jul 2024
@allyrbaserbelong2:matrix.orgallyrbaserbelong2 set a profile picture.07:08:57
@BHSPitMonkey:matrix.orgBHSPitMonkey joined the room.08:10:38
@leon09djau86b:matrix.orgrobot set a profile picture.10:19:24
@leon09djau86b:matrix.orgrobot changed their profile picture.10:20:52
2 Jul 2024
@ulfnic:matrix.org@ulfnic:matrix.org left the room.10:18:16
@gnumoksha:matrix.orggnumoksha joined the room.21:12:52
5 Jul 2024
@waitingcynicism:matrix.orgjhilker98 changed their display name from waitingcynicism to jhilker98.01:17:58
6 Jul 2024
@lauritzt:matrix.org@lauritzt:matrix.org left the room.09:29:45
@lauritzt:tchncs.de@lauritzt:tchncs.de joined the room.09:48:46
@lauritzt:tchncs.de@lauritzt:tchncs.de left the room.10:05:44
11 Jul 2024
@jay-the-code-monkey:matrix.orgjthecodemonkey changed their display name from jay-the-code-monkey to jthecodemonkey.05:33:53
@effendy:matrix.orgeffendy changed their profile picture.18:01:09
@phahkoh:matrix.org@phahkoh:matrix.org left the room.21:30:38
12 Jul 2024
@holgarB:matrix.orgaheadofthekrauts joined the room.10:26:04
@holgarB:matrix.orgaheadofthekrauts set their display name to aheadofthekrauts.10:29:58
@hobbitProg:matrix.orghobbitProg joined the room.14:05:05
14 Jul 2024
@lukas.discrust:matrix.orgdiscrust changed their profile picture.17:27:15
15 Jul 2024
@atay:matrix.org@atay:matrix.org left the room.10:50:18
20 Jul 2024
@sked:matrix.org@sked:matrix.org joined the room.20:09:36
@sked:matrix.org@sked:matrix.org joined the room.20:09:42
@sked:matrix.org@sked:matrix.org left the room.20:09:49
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:15:10
@ne_0:matrix.org@ne_0:matrix.org left the room.22:42:17

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